[Pibe-division] note for blindkid and Pibe-division listservs

by way of David Andrews <dandrews@visi.com> weberfam07 at comcast.net
Thu Apr 23 21:19:08 UTC 2009

The National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) would 
like to announce that there has been a change in the presidency of 
our division.  Our new president is Carol Castellano.  Carol can be 
reached by phone at (973) 377-0976 or by e-mail at blindchildren at verizon.net.

Below is some biographical information about Carol.  Please help us 
welcome her as our new president.


Laura Weber
Secretary, NOPBC

A Message from Carol Castellano
April 23, 2009

My husband Bill Cucco and I feel very fortunate that we were 
introduced to the National Federation of the Blind and the National 
Organization of Parents of Blind Children when our daughter Serena 
was just a baby.  I fell in love with the Federation from the 
start--it was the first organization we encountered that said 
outright that our blind child had a right to a full, satisfying 
life.  Since then, the NFB and NOPBC have taught us and stood by us 
as we fought to get Serena the services she needed and to raise her 
as a normal person who happens to be blind.

Serena's birth and subsequent blindness became a turning point in my 
career path.  The education and development of blind children became 
my focus.  I now work in the program to train Teachers of the 
Blind/VI at the College of New Jersey (TCNJ) and I enjoy speaking to 
parents and teachers around the country and writing articles and 
books to help parents and teachers educate their blind children and students.

In 1991 another mom and I founded Parents of Blind Children-NJ for 
which I serve as president and co-editor of the newsletter.  I have 
had the honor of serving on the NOPBC Board since 1991, when I was 
elected 2nd vice president. In 1998 I was elected 1st vice president 
and now I pledge my best efforts to you as I begin my service as 
NOPBC president.

Best wishes,

Carol Castellano
President, NOPBC<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
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