[Pibe-division] Happy Birthday L. Braille!

Carrie Gilmer carrie.gilmer at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 17:11:15 UTC 2009

Greetings All,


Today we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the inventor of
Braille. Visit www.braille.org <http://www.braille.org/>  and watch the
video Braille: Unlocking the Code. Sign on to the NFB initiatives of Braille
literacy. Take part in initiatives with us.  Send friends and family and
teachers to the site! This is the year where we all will, in unprecedented
ways, shout it from the roof-tops-and the world will come to understand:
Braille is reading, it is equal to print and the blind desire and need to
read as much as anyone else! 


Attend an event in your area if there is one! Celebrate with a piece of
cake-have a birthday party with your kids or your friends! 


Braille Readers Are Leaders! 


Carrie Gilmer, President

National Organization of Parents of Blind Children

A Division of the National Federation of the Blind

NFB National Center: 410-659-9314

Home Phone: 763-784-8590

carrie.gilmer at gmail.com



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