[Pibe-division] Braille Music Web Site

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 10 05:11:31 UTC 2009

Good evening,

    Perhaps the best place to begin researching all things Braille is:

    In addition to information related to the NFB Braille Literacy Campaign, 
the Lewis Braille Coin, and general information about Braille and its use by 
the blind there is a section dealing specifically with Braille Music. This 
would be a great place to begin your quest for information related to 
Braille and Braille Literacy.

Peter Donahue

"Given a chance to dream it can be done.
The promise of tomorrow is real.
Children of Spaceship Earth the future belongs to us all."
Flying for Me,
John Denver 

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