[Pibe-division] The GREAT parent

Dr. Denise M. Robinson dmehlenbacher at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 15 21:38:20 UTC 2011

The GREAT parent
I love it when parents expect their children to live up to their potentials and moral standards. One parent was watching his child play a ball game and there were a couple of students making very abusive remarks to team members about how they were playing, or not playing. They were the boys, who had remarkable athletic ability and thought very highly of themselves. Unfortunately, as younger boys will think, many of them thought they wanted to be like them.
 After the game the son remarked once again how great their abilities were to his dad. The dad stopped him and said “NO.” Any child who thinks they are more important than others and abuses them verbally shows a great Lack of character and integrity. 
He told his son that he would much rather have him be a great person of integrity and great character, than someone who ONLY had strength to play a ball game. Strength dwindles, but in the long run people look up to integrity and character, as they stay forever and shows the true worth of a man.more at yourtechvision.com 
Denise M. Robinson, TVI, Ph.D. 
CEO, TechVision
Specialist in blind technology/teaching/training
email:  yourtechvision at gmail.com
Website with hundreds of lessons: yourtechvision.com 
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