[Pibe-division] Frustrated Blind Field

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Wed Sep 21 03:06:37 UTC 2011

I am unconvinced.





From: pibe-division-bounces at nfbnet.org
[mailto:pibe-division-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Dr. Denise M.
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 1:54 PM
To: Professionals in Blindness Education Division List
Subject: [Pibe-division] Frustrated Blind Field


Frustrated Blind Field

I receive many emails off the blog site so no one knows their fear or
frustration. Paras and teachers do not know how to let the district and the
families they are working with know how frustrated they are with what is
going on with blind children. They feel hopeless and trapped and sad for the
child. Not everyone, but a good portion.

I have paras who know their students are dependent on them and that they do
a bulk of the work, but they are waiting for direction from the teacher of
the blind (TVI). They fear for their jobs if the students they are working
with do not show a good grade..... they are waiting for that help and

The teacher of the blind is overloaded with a huge caseload that she can
only see children a miniscule amount of time each week, more to put out
fires than really teach. Not to mention she has no time to help the para and
no time to gain further skills to help herself and in turn help the student.

We have districts with the directors, that IF they know, they are trying to
look for more personnel to hire but cannot find qualified people. But many
directors do not know. Many teachers of the blind and paras suffer in
silence over the condition and are not sure where to turn.

As a collective community of people that want to help make a difference, we
need to start really thinking outside the box...and way outside. I see this
condition getting worse in many areas, especially now that I am
communicating and teaching all over this county and in different parts of
the world. People are looking for direction.

Virtual teaching is a "think outside the box" area that is blooming in its
possibilities. If anyone is interested in a virtual lesson, email me and I
will get you going. I have been teaching this way for over a 1.5 years with
great success. Teachers can access more students in one day than if they are
trying to drive to every school.

Another aspect of virtual instruction is if our community all gets on
texting, chat, video conferencing, everyone is always 1 second away from an
answer or the help they need. Get more information on virtual instruction at
blindgeteducated.blogspot.com or email me personally. 




Denise M. Robinson, TVI, Ph.D. 
Teacher of the Blind & Visually Impaired
TechVision-Independent Contractor

Specialist in blind programming/teaching/training

509-674-1853     <mailto:deniserob at gmail.com>  deniserob at gmail.com




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