[Promotion-technology] KNFB Reader - rep-online demo

Debbie Wunder debbiewunder at centurytel.net
Wed May 13 14:39:14 UTC 2009

For a long time now I have had the goal of teaching people to 
read.  My vision loss over the past year or so has caused me to take 
a different turn, but thank goodness it still involves helping people 
to enjoy one of the greatest pleasures in life - reading.

I am proud to announce that I am now joined the National Federation 
of the Blind team selling the KNFB Reader Mobile, the reading device 
which goes in your pocket or purse and not only serves as a reading 
machine but as a cellular phone.  Not only do I sell this hardware 
and software, but I can also help you get screen reading software if 
you want the full functionality of the phones used with the KNFB 
Reader.  There is even GPS software available for those who wish to 
use their phone as a GPS travel aid.

I am glad to travel to do demonstrations wherever people are 
interested, but economically it is much better for me to travel to 
see several people at once. Online demonstrations are possible if you 
have a microphone and the internet.

I look forward to helping you read print in places you never before 
thought possible.  Please call me at (573) 874-1774 or write to me 
at  debbiewunder at centurytel.net.


Debbie Wunder
debbiewunder at centurytel.net

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