[Promotion-technology] GoldWave Causing JAWS To Crash

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 3 22:39:18 UTC 2009

I am newly subscribed to this and several other lists connected to NFBNet and am finding them very informative and enjoyable to read. My question concerns the GoldWave sound editor which is causing JAWS to crash after about 30 to 45 minutes of normal recording and playback operations. In most instances, I have no other applications on board except for the usual security and other RAM resident programs running thrugh SYS tray. Inevitably, the popup appears telling me JAWS has found an error and the dialog box gives me choices of sending me the error report, "Don't send" or Debug. No matter what I do, JAWS crashes and I have no choice but to reboot.

Are there settings I need to change either for JAWS or GoldWave? I appreciate any guidance anyone can offer.

very best regards
Rob Tabor

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