[Promotion-technology] Fwd: Comprehensive text documentation for JAWS 12.0

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Oct 24 15:59:51 UTC 2010

> From the archive
>This is a comprehensive set of text documentation for the JAWS 12.0 
>screen reader from
>Help files in .chm format were converted to structured text 
>format.  This format has simple conventions that support additional 
>navigation options over plain text.  For example, the EdSharp 
>editor, available at
>includes hotkeys such as Control+PageDown or Control+PageUp to move 
>forward or backward among topical sections in such a 
>document.  Pressing F6 on a topic name in the table of contents goes 
>to the corresponding section in the body.  Shift+F6 returns to the 
>table of contents from the body.  Control+F6 searches for a section 
>based on text in its topic name. Alt+F6 searches for the next match.
>The following 25 files are included in the archive:
>JAWS Quick Start Guide.txt
>JAWS Tandem Quick Start Guide.txt
>At least two files are targeted toward beginning script 
>writers:  the Basics of Scripting tutorial (Basics_of_Scripting.txt) 
>and the original scripting manual called "Everything You Always 
>Wanted to Know About Writing JAWS Scripts, But Didn't Know Whom to 
>Ask" (ScriptingManual.txt). Advanced scripters may appreciate the 
>reference manual for the Freedom Scientific Developer Network 
>(fsdn.txt).  They may also value the analysis below of differences 
>between the scripting languages of JAWS 11 and 12.
>Based on a comparison of items available in the insert dialogs of 
>JAWS Script Manager, there are 60 new functions, and 12 new scripts, 
>in JAWS 12 over JAWS 11.  This includes both builtin items and those 
>defined in default.jss.
>60 New Functions in JAWS 12:
>12 New Scrips in JAWS 12:

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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