[Promotion-technology] Fwd: 2 Webinars: Free Software to Read and Write DAISY Content

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Jun 7 23:34:23 UTC 2011

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Prof Norm Coombs <norm.coombs at gmail.com>
>Subject: 2 Webinars: Free Software to Read and Write DAISY Content
>To: ITD-JNL at listserv.icors.org
>While campuses are a bit slow in moving to producing alternative content in
>the DAISY format, the 3 major resources for books for people with 
>1. National Library Service, Library of Congress
>2 RFB&D now called Learning Ally
>3 Bookshare.org
>Tools that work well for producing large books or large numbers of books in
>DAISY are a bit expensive and purchased mainly by institutions.
>However, there is an open source, free, software player called, AMIS
>There also is a free add-in for Word that will convert properly designed
>Word documents into DAISY.
>Webinar: AMIS: the Free, Open Source Software DAISY Player
>Presenter: Marisa DeMeglio, Software Developer for the DAISY Consortium
>June 21 at 11 AM Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1 PM Central and 2 PM Eastern
>Free Webinar: Word to DAISY Add-in Thur. June 30
>Free Webinar: Word to DAISY Add-in Thur. June 30
>Times: 11 AM Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1 PM Central, 2 Eastern and 8 in
>Barcelona (all Daylight)
>Presenters: Professor Mireia Ribera, PhD in Library Science from
>Universitat de Barcelona
>Afra Pascual, BS in Computer Human Interaction from Universitat de Lleida
>read more and register for these 2 free Webinars in late June:
>Times: 11 AM Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1 PM Central, 2 Eastern and 8 in
>Barcelona (all Daylight)
>Presenters: Professor Mireia Ribera, PhD in Library Science from
>Universitat de Barcelona
>Afra Pascual, BS in Computer Human Interaction from Universitat de Lleida
>   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>Once you choose hope, anything's possible.  Christopher Reeve
>Norman Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
>Making Online Teaching Accessible: Inclusive Course Design for Students
>with Disabilities by Norman Coombs published by Jossey-Bass Oct 10,2010
>Check out EASI's New Synchronous Clinics:
>EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
>Online Courses and Clinics http://easi.cc/workshop.htm

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