[Promotion-technology] Fwd: [duxnews] Announcing Perky Duck 11.2

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Feb 21 01:39:32 UTC 2013

>Perky Duck 11.2 replaces Perky Duck 11.1 which was announced just 
>last week. Perky Duck 11.1 had a bug in the installer which caused 
>an unforeseen conflict for those with DBT 11.1.
>Perky Duck 11.2 has been tested and does not have that issue.
>To download Perky Duck 11.2, please follow this link:
>Best regards,
>Anne Ronco
>email: <mailto:info at duxsys.com>info at duxsys.com
>Duxbury Systems, Inc.
>270 Littleton Road, #6; Westford, MA 01886-3523 USA
>TEL: + 978-692-3000 FAX: + 978-692-7912
>Email (general): <mailto:info at duxsys.com>info at duxsys.com
>Web site: <http://www.duxburysystems.com/>http://www.DuxburySystems.com
>Duxbury Systems, the first name in software for Braille - since 1975.

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