[Promotion-technology] Job description for Javascript developer we are looking for

Jeanine Kay Lineback jeanine.lineback at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 12:54:01 UTC 2015

Hello Federationists.
Attached is the official job description for a web developer. Deque Systems would very much like to hire a screen reader user to fill this
position. Relocation expenses will be considered for the right candidate. 
Please contact me if you know of anyone that would be interested.
Please share this job announcement with your other social networks and list serves. 
Kind regards,
Jeanine Kay Lineback
Digital Accessibility SME | Deque Systems Inc.
National Federation of the Blind of Texas Austin Chapter 
(512) 919-0430
Keep up with NFB Austin on Facebook
Follow NFB Austin on Twitter @nfbaustin

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith A Rhodes [mailto:keith.rhodes at deque.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 2:03 PM
To: Jeanine Lineback; Dian Fay
Subject: Job description for Javascript developer we are looking for

I’ve attached a job description for a Javascript developer we are looking for. This is a mid- to senior level position as we are casting a wide net for people.


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