[Promotion-technology] Looking for Complex Websites with Calendar Pickers

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Mar 16 21:24:47 UTC 2015

I was contacted by someone from the Department of Natural Resources, 
DNR, here in Minnesota.  They are working on a complex reservations 
site, and are looking for examples of good and bad.  If you can help, 
please write Jed directly at:

jed.becher at state.mn.us


From: Becher, Jed (MNIT)
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 12:00 PM
To: Andrews, David B (DEED)
Cc: Wyant, Jay (MNIT)
Subject: Web site question


DNR is still working with our state park reservation vendor to make 
their site accessible.  They are very slow to grasp it all.  I wanted 
to refer them to some sites that perhaps you have used that you have 
found easy to use. I was going to look at Southwest airlines, Jet 
Blue and Target since they were all sued recently and imagine they 
have cleaned up their act.

The vendor made it sound like the feds are still dragging their feet 
on making all their sites accessible but I haven't had time to 
follow-up to see if they appear to have issues.

The vendor is still struggling with the calendaring function where 
people pick the dates they want to stay at a park and we typically 
show them a large grid of dates that match their choices. It's a 
little different than choosing a hotel room or airline seat as each 
campsite is a little different in its proximity to this, that or the 
other thing and the view it may have.

Are there airline sites or hotel / travel sites where the calendar 
selection piece has worked particularly well for you?

Thank you.

Jed Becher

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