[Promotion-technology] Fwd: Accessibility Position at the Maryland Department of Education

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat May 12 20:16:34 UTC 2018

>Hello Dave:
>The Maryland State Department of Education is looking for a 
>technology accessibility specialist to work in Baltimore, Maryland. 
>The position pays anywhere from $60,543 to $88,424. A Master's 
>degree or equivalent is required. To quote the job announcement:
>"This is a professional position responsible for ensuring that all 
>digital products generated by the Maryland State Department of 
>Education (MSDE) are accessible to individuals with disabilities."
>Here is the link to the job announcement (which is in the PDF format).
>This came to me by way of Sharon Maneki < nfbmd at earthlink.net>.
>Can you spread the word through our various email lists?
>Curtis Chong

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