[Quietcars] Students seeking feedback about quiet cars.

Amy Ruell aruell at comcast.net
Fri Oct 16 15:50:31 UTC 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Ruell [mailto:aruell at comcast.net]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 7:12 AM
To: aruell at comcast.net
Subject: Students seeking feedback about quiet cars.

Please do not hit reply. Fill out the questionnaire and send to:
azng88 at gmail.com
Boston University College of Engineering Senior Design Project

                 We are a team of five seniors at Boston University's College
of Engineering. For our senior design project, we are developing a system
that will alert blind pedestrians of oncoming hybrid/electric vehicles with
quiet engines. We would like to ask you a few questions about yourself and
your opinions on this issue. Your answers to these questions will help us to
better understand this problem, and your answers will allow us to develop a
more complete and effective solution. Thank you very much for your time and
participation. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please
contact Alex Ng by phone at 617-320-7995 or by email at abng88 at bu.edu.


1.       What is your name, gender, and age (you can give an age range like

2.       Were you blind at birth? If not, at what age did you lose your

3.       How do you feel about hybrid cars? What about bicycles? Which of
these do you feel is more of a problem and why?

4.       My understanding is that blind folk have better hearing. Can you
please elaborate about your hearing ability? Do you feel that you hear
things that other people may not hear? If so, please describe a common
situation where this has occurred.

5.       Do you feel that the weather has an effect on your hearing (rain,
wind, etc.)?

6.       What information would you want to be alerted with from our traffic
safety system (speed of car, distance, etc.)?

7.       Do you use anything other than the walking cane as a visual aid?
Are you aware of any other products that are out there and you don't use?

8.       Would you be opposed to carrying around a device to alert you of
oncoming hybrid/electric cars? If yes, why? What if the device was
integrated with the walking cane?

9.        How do you feel about having to recharge your electrical devices
such as cell phone?

10.   If anything was possible, what would be your ideal solution to this

11.   Lastly, would you be interested and willing to participate in a
hearing test?

Thank you again for your time.

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