[rehab] Digital Recorders

Husseini, Sahar sahar.husseini at nebraska.gov
Wed Jul 22 14:57:35 UTC 2009


I went to Office Depot today, and I tested the Olympus VN5000 and found it to be accessible.  It beeps to tell you what folder your in.  For example, it beeps four times when you're in folder four.  I'll have to get it in my hands, of course, to see if there are quirks I didn't discover in the minute I recorded a message and erased it, but it seemed to be as accessible as the VN7100 we'd been using.  I just thought I'd send that along since I asked about digital recorders on this list.  It is $39.99, by the way.

Sahar Husseini, CVRCB, MSW
Orientation Counselor
Nebraska Center for the Blind
(402) 471-8144

Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Our Mission:  Empowering blind individuals, promoting opportunities, and building belief in the blind.

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