[rehab] 2009 Conference Agenda - Final.doc

Edward Bell ebell at latech.edu
Thu Jun 11 20:56:54 UTC 2009

FYI, the 2009 conference agenda is attached and pasted below. Register online now for the conference to secure your spot at the banquet. 
Online registration can be accomplished by clicking this link:

8th Annual Rehabilitation and 

Orientation and Mobility Conference




26th Annual NOPBC Conference

National Federation of the Blind




The Future is Ours… 

and Theirs!


Bridging the Gap between Parents and Professionals








Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

Friday, July 3, 2009

8:00 am – 9:00 pm



We would like to give a special acknowledgement to the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). The NFB has not only hosted the rehabilitation events for more than eight years, but more importantly, has provided the philosophy, leadership, and guidance upon which the most effective rehabilitation practices have been established nationwide. 


We would also like to give a special thanks to the many people who contributed their time, energy, and expertise to making the Rehabilitation and Orientation and Mobility conference a success. It is through the dedication, determination, and fortitude of leaders in the organized blind movement that we have collectively shifted the focus of rehabilitation in this country. Together, we truly change what it means to be blind. 


Allen C. Harris, President

National Blindness Professional Certification Board



Note: Adults, children (5-13), and youth (14-18) begin the morning together. From 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM, children ages

5-13 are invited to the NOPBC Braille Carnival, and youth ages 14-18 are encouraged to attend the Youth Track activities.


7:30 – 8:45 Registration

Coffee provided by the National Blindness Professional Certification Board


Morning Session: Ambassador One Ballroom, Level 3


9:00 Welcome and Introductions

Carol Castellano, President, NOPBC, Madison, NJ; 

Allen C. Harris, President, NBPCB, Birmingham, AL; Edward Bell, Director, PDRIB, Ruston, LA; 

Melody Lindsey, President, NABRP, Richmond, VA


9:10 Kid Talk with Dr. Marc Maurer

Dr. Marc Maurer, President, NFB, Baltimore, MD


9:30 Encouraging Independence

June Maurer, mother of Dr. Marc Maurer, Iowa


9:45 Youth Panel - The Future Is Ours!


10:15 Coffee Break
Children invited to the Braille Carnival
Youth encouraged to attend Youth Track activities


10:45 Keynote Address:  Bridging the Gap: Parents, Professionals, and the Organized Blind

Fredric K. Schroeder, Ph.D., Research Professor, 

San Diego State University, Vienna, VA


11:15 Training in the Skills of Blindness: Cradle to Career

Julie Deden, Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind, Littleton, CO


11:30 Raising the Bar: A Future of Literacy for Our Kids

Jessica Bachicha, Project Coordinator, Department of Affiliate Action, National Federation of the Blind, 

Baltimore, MD


11:45 Achieving Informed Choice across the IEP and IPE Process

Dr. Joanne Wilson, Executive Director of Affiliate Action, National Federation of the Blind, Baltimore, MD


12:00 PM Adjourn


12:00 – 2:00 National Blindness Professional Certification Board Awards Ceremony Luncheon Banquet (banquet ticket required)

Location: Ambassador Three Ballroom, Level 3


Note: NOPBC Trip to Penrickton Center from 2-5 PM.  Parents of children with significant multiple disabilities are invited to visit this center which uses the Active Learning techniques of Lilli Nielsen. Location TBA.




National Blindness Professional Certification Board


Awards Ceremony Banquet



Master of Ceremonies

Allen Harris, President



NOMC Certificants/Recertificants



NCLB Certificants



Awards and Recognitions

Afternoon Session


2:00 – 3:20 Concurrent Sessions I


1.  A Framework for Ethics in our Personal and Professional Lives. Dr. David Ticchi, Special Assistant to the President, Legal Seafood, Boston, MA

Location: DaVinci


2.  Structured Discovery in Utah: Challenges and Progress. Deja Powell, M.A., NOMC; and Laura Ozios, M.A., COMS, Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Salt Lake City, UT

Location: Raphael


3.  Quiet Cars: Issues, Concerns, and Solutions. Committee on Automobile and Pedestrian Safety Members – Gary Wunder, Colombia, MO, and Barbara Pierce, Dayton, OH

Location: Nicolet B


4.  One-Two Buckle My Shoe, Three-Four Out the Door. Developmental Timelines from Preschool through Elementary

Location: Cascade A Ballroom, Courtyard Marriott


5.  Show Me the Technology: Middle School/High School. What is Needed, How to Work with the School to Get It, and What to Do When All Else Fails

Location: Renoir Room, Level 4


6.  Literacy for All: Large Print? Braille? Both? How to Tell What is Best for Your Child

Location: Skyline B Room, Courtyard Marriott


7.  Great Expectations: Mobility Instruction and Blind Children with Additional Disabilities. High Expectations, Real Life Goals, and How to Achieve Them in the Area of Independent Travel

Location: Skyline A Room, Courtyard Marriott


3:20 – 3:30 Break 


3:30 – 4:50 Concurrent Sessions II


8.  The Need for Professional Credentialing: NCLB and NOMC Certifications. Amber Holladay, NCLB, Coordinator of NCLB, West Monroe, LA; Jeff Altman, M.A., NOMC, NOMCT Committee Chair, Lincoln, NE

Location: DaVinci


9.  Teaching Structured Discovery Techniques: Opportunities and Challenges at the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired. Melody Lindsey, Director; Maurice Peret, NOMCT; Jennifer Kennedy, MA, NOMC, Richmond

Location: Raphael


10. Valuable Services for Professionals: BookShare for the Blind. Allison Hilliker, Collection Development Associate, BookShare, Peoria, AZ

Location: Nicolet B


11. Access for Everyone. Learn How Blind and Low Vision Children of All Abilities Can Access Education and Information in School and in the World

Location: Skyline A Room, Courtyard Marriott


12. Braille Music for Dummies. Just Enough to Stay One Step Ahead of the Kids

Location: Skyline B Room, Courtyard Marriott


13. Spaghetti, Meatballs, and Birthday Parties. Manners, Cafeterias, Games, Playgrounds, and Friends (pre-K and elementary)

Location: Cascade A Ballroom, Courtyard Marriott


14. Bring Me to the Mall – Text Me Later: Manners, Food Courts, and Friends (middle and high school)

Location: Renoir Room, Level 4


5:00 – 6:30 Mix and Mingle Reception 

Location: Ambassador Three Ballroom 

·       Cash Bar 

·       Evaluation of the Conference 

·       Network with VR Professionals

·       Announce/Search for Jobs 

·       Continue Discussions from the Day’s Events


7:30 – 10:00 NOPBC Family Hospitality

Location: Cascade D Ballroom, Courtyard Marriott

Continuing Education Credits are available if you registered through the NBPCB for:

National Orientation and Mobility Certificants (NOMC)

and Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC)


Sponsored Jointly by:


National Association of Blind 

Rehabilitation Professionals (NABRP)

Melody Lindsey, President



National Blindness Professional 

Certification Board (NBPCB)

Allen Harris, President




National Organization of 

Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) 

Carol Castellano, President 




Professional Development and Research 

Institute on Blindness (PDRIB) 

Louisiana Tech University

Edward Bell, Director


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