[rehab] Newsletters

Husseini, Sahar sahar.husseini at nebraska.gov
Mon Nov 2 13:54:47 UTC 2009


We have a client whose job requires her to produce newsletters.  Is there anything out there that's accessible.  I know that Microsoft Word is accessible, but any time I read a newsletter produced in the traditional format, Jaws and Window-Eyes read across columns.  Is it just a matter of producing those newsletters differently?  I know that Publisher hasn't been accessible, unless something changed recently.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Sahar Husseini, CVRCB, MSW
Orientation Counselor
Nebraska Center for the Blind
(402) 471-8144

Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Our Mission:  Empowering blind individuals, promoting opportunities, and building belief in the blind.

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