[rehab] Introduction

Marks, Jim jimmarks at mt.gov
Fri Feb 5 16:38:32 UTC 2010

Hi All,

My name is Jim Marks, and I've recently switched careers from directing a disability service program in higher education to directing Montana's voc rehab/blind and low visions services.  First week on my new job, I had to propose 10 percent cuts as our state struggles to live within its budget.  Montana is one of two states with a budget surplus, and it looks like our state leaders want to keep us in the black by cutting costs.  The programs I direct include more than VR and blindness rehab.  The job also includes SSA disability determination, Medicaid Infra-structure Grant, Disability Navigators, and the state's public transportation coordinator.  Some of you know that I've been a Federationist for a long time.  Anyhow, I just wanted to say, "Hi," and to let you know I'm subscribed to this listserv.


Jim Marks
Disability Transitions Program Director
Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services
jimmarks at mt.gov
(406) 444-2591

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