[rehab] blind future farmer video

Lansaw,Jane (DARS) Jane.Lansaw at dars.state.tx.us
Wed Feb 10 18:31:39 UTC 2010

Well, maybe 4 H aged but wouldn't it be cool to track this bluegrass blind boy down and get him in the NFB science youth slam?  I really loved this video especially since I did FFA in high school.

From: oandm-bounces at lists.aerbvi.org [mailto:oandm-bounces at lists.aerbvi.org] On Behalf Of Beth Bartson
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 10:21 PM
To: oandm at lists.aerbvi.org
Subject: [OandM] FW: A video about a young visually impaired cattleman

Hope this link works for those who couldn't get to it before!


Cramer Schneider Spotlighted in Bluegrass and Backroads: Here is a link to the segment that the TV show Bluegrass and Backroads did on Cramer. It's been airing on RFD TV and some other channels. It's just about 7 minutes long. Hope you enjoy! Watch this - it will warm your heart and make you proud -  Click here<http://simmental.org/enews/lt.php?id=eR0CB1YEBgMISgVUAExXCQgE>

From: mwood at austinisd.org [mailto:mwood at austinisd.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 7:20 PM
To: Beth Bartson
Subject: Re: [OandM] A video about a young visually impaired cattleman

Hi, Beth
Thanks for sending this. In which month is he featured?
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