[rehab] FW: Small Business Projects under VR

Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc. ukekearuaro at valtdnet.com
Sat Jan 23 04:52:43 UTC 2010

Hi Donna:

I could not find an EMail address in the forwarded message from Mr JIM 
Pearson.  However, I am writing to let you know that I am in business for 
myself, and I am receiving assistance from the Colorado Division of 
Vocational Rehabilitation SERVICES to get a retail store opened soon. I hav 
a SELF EMPLOYMENT REHAB COUNSELOR that I am currently working with on this 

I welcome private contact on the subject matter and all notes can be 
directed to me at:

ukekearuaro at valtdnet.com

Much thanks!!

Denver, Colorado 

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