[rehab] FW: Seeking Accessible Content Developers

Joel Zimba jzimba at mdtap.org
Fri Oct 15 19:02:18 UTC 2010


The Maryland Technology Assistance Program is compiling a directory 
of developers who build accessible websites.  We are frequently 
asked, by many organizations for references to individuals or 
companies that are competent in developing websites that comply with 
web accessibility standards such as Section 508 of the federal 
Rehabilitation Act, or, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 
established by W3c.

If you are a developer, or if you know of one, please e-mail contact 
information to: 
<mailto:webaccess at mdtap.org>webaccess at mdtap.org.  Please include as 
much information as possible, such as:  name, address, phone, e-mail, 
homepage URL, related certifications and examples of previous projects.

As this type of work can be done from anywhere, feel free to contact 
us regardless of geographic location.  We also welcome organizations 
of any size, from individuals to companies with large development 
teams.  Some indication of the size of project you are ready to take 
on will help to more quickly connect you with the proper customer, 
but is not required.

We are a State of Maryland agency so will not be charging for our 
directory, nor will we be advertising or promoting any specific service.

Our goal is to create a resource which will be useful to anyone.  If 
you have ideas or suggestions, please let us know.  Also, please 
forward this e-mail to any interested party, including other mailing lists.


Joel Zimba
Access Content Coordinator
MD Technology Assistance Program
<mailto:jzimba at mdtap.org>jzimba at mdtap.org
(410) 554-9276
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From: "Joel Zimba" <jzimba at mdtap.org>
To: <webaccess at mdtap.org>
Subject: Seeking Accessible Content Developers
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 09:48:48 -0400
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The Maryland Technology Assistance Program is compiling a directory 
of developers who build accessible websites.  We are frequently 
asked, by many organizations for references to individuals or 
companies that are competent in developing websites that comply with 
web accessibility standards such as Section 508 of the federal 
Rehabilitation Act, or, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 
established by W3c.

If you are a developer, or if you know of one, please e-mail contact 
information to: 
<mailto:webaccess at mdtap.org>webaccess at mdtap.org.  Please include as 
much information as possible, such as:  name, address, phone, e-mail, 
homepage URL, related certifications and examples of previous projects.

As this type of work can be done from anywhere, feel free to contact 
us regardless of geographic location.  We also welcome organizations 
of any size, from individuals to companies with large development 
teams.  Some indication of the size of project you are ready to take 
on will help to more quickly connect you with the proper customer, 
but is not required.

We are a State of Maryland agency so will not be charging for our 
directory, nor will we be advertising or promoting any specific service.

Our goal is to create a resource which will be useful to anyone.  If 
you have ideas or suggestions, please let us know.  Also, please 
forward this e-mail to any interested party, including other mailing lists.


Joel Zimba

Joel Zimba

MD Technology Assistance Program

Accessible Content Coordinator

(410) 554-9276

jzimba at mdtap.org

2301 Argonne Dr.

Baltimore, MD  21218

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