[rehab] State Department Student Town Hall

John Halverson johnh50 at verizon.net
Sun Apr 3 18:04:46 UTC 2011


Some of you may find this of interest.

John Halverson, Ph.D.

From: Banjo, Akinyemi - ODEP [mailto:banjo.akinyemi at dol.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:39 PM
Cc: SanchezV1 at state.gov
Subject: State Dept. Student Town Hall on Career Opportunities

Good afternoon,

Please help disseminate the information below far 
and wide and direct any questions or inquiries to 
Vicktery Sanchez (<mailto:SanchezV1 at state.gov>SanchezV1 at state.gov).

The Department of State Special Advisor for 
International Disability Rights, Judith E. 
Heumann, in conjunction with the Disability and 
Reasonable Accommodations Division in the Office 
of Employee Relations, the Recruitment, 
Examination, and Employment Office in the Bureau 
of Human Resources, and the Office of Personnel 
Management, will be hosting a student town hall 
focusing on career opportunities for students 
with disabilities in the U.S. Department of State 
and USAID.  Faculty and staff are also invited to 
attend.  It will be held on April 11, 2011 at the 
U.S. Department of State, Harry S. Truman Building, from 9:30 am – 11:30 am.

This event is being held in support of the 
President’s Executive Order committed to 
advancing the employment of individuals with 
disabilities in government.  We want to work with 
your office to promote this event and outreach to 
students who are interested in careers at the 
Department of State and other federal agencies, 
including internships.  Students do not need to 
be international relations majors, but need to at 
least have an interest in the area.  Students, 
faculty, and staff will leave this event with a 
greater understanding of the opportunities 
available to them at the State Department and 
overall throughout the government.  We will have 
a panel of employees with disabilities who will 
speak of their experiences, along with an 
opportunity for students to ask questions and network.

We look forward to hearing from you and working 
with your office on this event.  For students 
interested in attending this event, please inform 
them that they must RSVP to the contact below, 
providing the following information: full name, 
citizenship, date of birth, passport/driver 
license/social security number and state of 
issuance.  Furthermore, please be advised that 
only U.S. citizens are eligible for employment or 
internships at the Department of State.

If you have any other questions or comments 
please do not hesitate to contact Vicktery 
Sanchez, at 202-647-9734 or 
at:  <mailto:SanchezV1 at state.gov>SanchezV1 at state.gov

Sign language interpretation and CART services 
will be provided. For any other reasonable 
accommodation requests, please contact Vicktery Sanchez as soon as possible.

Vicktery Sanchez

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Intern for the Special Advisor for International Disability Rights

U.S. Department of State

DRL, Room 7802

<mailto:SanchezV1 at state.gov>SanchezV1 at state.gov

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