[rehab] English as a second language for blind adults?

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Aug 25 13:46:38 UTC 2011

You might contact Sharon Monthei at BLIND INc., 612-872-0100.  They/she 
have had a program of working with ESL blind students for a number of 
years now, and this includes many Samali's.


On 8/25/2011 8:42 AM, Sammons, Elizabeth wrote:
> Colleagues,
> Sorry to keep bugging you with various questions, but I am somewhat new in the branch of rehab where I am now working.
> In Ohio we have a sizeable Somali refugee  population, and several blind job seekers are trying to begin or improve their English. They are not familiar with Braille. Our local literacy council is willing to work with them using volunteers, but what I need is to find some resources that may be helpful for these adult students and teachers. A colleague from Hadley School for the Blind told me that unfortunately, their program is only in the works for English as a foreign language.
> Any suggestions or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Elizabeth
> Elizabeth L. Sammons
> Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
> ssistant, Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
> 614.466.9844 x. 3644
> elizabeth.sammons at rsc.ohio.gov<mailto:elizabeth.sammons at rsc.ohio.gov>

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