[rehab] {Disarmed} FW: [ccer] National Rehabilitation Education Conference- Call for Papers [1 Attachment]
Nightingale, Noel
Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Thu May 5 20:21:30 UTC 2011
From: ccer at yahoogroups.com [mailto:ccer at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of LAURIE FORD
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 11:35 AM
To: ccer at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ccer] National Rehabilitation Education Conference- Call for Papers [1 Attachment]
Importance: High
[Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD included below]
NCRE/RSA/CSAVR National Rehabilitation Education Conference October 30-November 1 2011
Call for Program Proposals
The National Rehabilitation Education Conference is a means of facilitating communication and sharing information among professionals involved in training, recruiting, hiring and enhancing the development of qualified rehabilitation counselors. The focus of the conference this year is revolutionary, visionary, innovative thinking and practices that prepares rehabilitation for future decades.
This year, the conference planning committee is soliciting papers consistent with a timely and critical theme: "New Models for New Times: Right Time, Right Now!" This theme reflects the need to shake up vocational rehabilitation services using evidence-based practices to create innovative, effective and creative solutions that have potential for truly successful outcomes for people with disabilities. The conference features the following tracks that must respond to the theme:
1. Research to Practice
2. Employment: New solutions to old, new and emerging problems
3. Preservice and Inservice Training: Are we Ready?
Research to Practice
There is much research being published in rehabilitation journals and presented through conferences such as these. How much of this actually changes practice? Proposals being sought under this track must describe (a) evidence based practices that have been successfully implemented and significantly affected practice especially resulting in increased employment outcomes, (b) effective research that has substantial potential to affect practice or (c) research approaches that may be more effective than current approaches and have most promise for the future. Proposals can include issues and challenges faced in establishing such research.
Employment: New Solutions to Old, New and Emerging Problems
Vocational rehabilitation continues to face increasing pressure to demonstrate cost effective outcomes. This pressure is particularly acute during the current budgetary and economic difficulties. We must get people with disabilities working more rapidly, more efficiently, in larger numbers, in jobs that lead to self-sustaining careers and prepared for careers of the future. Proposals being sought under this track must describe (a) new solutions for old problems, (b) solutions for new problems or (c) solutions for emerging problems.
Preservice and Inservice Training: Are we Ready?
Change is rapid and the rate of change keeps getting more rapid. Training is critical to preparing a rehabilitation workforce that is versatile enough to deal with both current problems and problems of the future. Under this track, proposals must describe (a) effective and innovative preservice or inservice training models or practices, (b) evidence based training models or (c) examples of training in and/or implementation of evidence based practices.
We look forward to receiving many interesting proposals for presentations and
the poster sessions. Deadline date is Wednesday, June 1, 2011.
Please share this announcement with your respective
groups and any other interested agencies, academics and VR Professionals.
If you have any questions in regards to the call for papers please contact Don
Bunuan at fallconference at rehabeducators.org<mailto:fallconference at rehabeducators.org>
For all other questions regarding registration, hotel, accommodations please
contact the NCRE administrative office at satwal at csufresno.edu<mailto:satwal at csufresno.edu>
For the fall conference overview on our webpage please view the link
Award Nominations
NCRE 3rd Annual President's Award
RSA Awards Announcement
Registration and Hotel
Registration details along with hotel link to make your reservation to follow in
August 2011.
Key Bridge Marriott Hotel
1401 Lee Highway
Arlington, VA 22209
Room rates are secured at $169.00 a night, conference rate.
We hope this helps with your planning and we look forward to seeing you in
October. If you have any further questions please feel free contact me.
Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD
1 of 1 File(s)
[http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/doc16x16.gif]2011 NCRE-RSA-CSAVR_Call for Program Papers.doc<http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1043453/1073776070/name/2011%20NCRE-RSA-CSAVR_Call%20for%20Program%20Papers%2Edoc>
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