[rehab] FW: 2 Carroll Center Job Openings, Massachusetts

Andrews, David B (DEED) david.b.andrews at state.mn.us
Fri May 4 14:38:37 UTC 2012

The Carroll Center is hiring an Assistant Director of Rehab Services and a Recreational Activities Coordinator. See below for details.

From: The Carroll Center for the Blind [mailto:dina.rosenbaum=carroll.org at mail101.us2.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of The Carroll Center for the Blind
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 11:15 AM
Subject: Carroll Center Job Openings

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Job Openings
The Carroll Center is currently seeking to fill the following positions:

The Carroll Center's Rehabilitation Services Department provides center-based rehabilitation to blind and visually impaired clients ages 15  to 90+.  Consumers come from all over the country for specific programs lasting from 2 weeks to 6 months.  Our staff of 15 professionals (nurse, psychologists, Vision Rehabilitation professionals) work as a team to provide comprehensive rehabilitation, including daily living skills, travel techniques, information management, healthcare, counseling, job development, low vision services, manual arts instruction, and much more.

This is an exciting opportunity for the candidate who is seeking a new dimension to their experience-working with blind and visually impaired consumers.  It is an administrative position, working closely with the Rehabilitation Department Director.  S/he will work closely with a team of vision rehabilitation professionals providing comprehensive campus-based services for approximately 15-27 clients.  Specific responsibilities include:  managing all client program flow; determining appropriate program and length of program for each client; meeting with each client weekly; meeting with clients as a group weekly; client conflict management; running all department staff (instructors') meetings, including evaluations; being available on-call for dorm emergencies; supervising report content and timeliness; monitoring class schedule for each client; developing new programs with staff, including summer youth programs; communicating with referring agencies regarding current clients; working closely with Nurse and Psychologist/Therapist to monitor client progress; work closely with Admissions Coordinator to screen clients for services.

*        Graduate degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, Social Work, Nursing, Education, or allied field required.
*        7-10 years of experience in related field required.
*        Additional requirements:  excellent time management skills; well organized; good verbal and written communication and listening skills; strong problem solving skills a must;
*        Microsoft Word and Excel and e-mail competency required.
Qualified candidates should e-mail a resume and cover letter to:    jobs at carroll.org<mailto:jobs at carroll.org>, indicating Assistant Rehabilitation Director

We are seeking an enthusiastic, creative and energetic Recreational Activities Coordinator for a two-month period this summer.  The full-time Coordinator will be part of a team of Blindness Rehabilitation professionals.  The team will work with twenty blind and visually impaired students from around the country.  Students will reside in our Dormitory.

Responsibilities include:  Selecting and planning safe indoor and outdoor activities for twenty students; planning and carrying out a weekly one-day long field trip; planning and coordinating two-hour long activities for small groups; maintaining attendance and discipline during group activities; coordinating the recreational activities with other staff members; coordinating transportation for the recreational activities; writing a summary report of planned activities. Creative adaptations of indoor and outdoor games to make them accessible.  Coaching skills to encourage students to explore and build confidence.

Job Requirements:  Bachelors Degree or working towards a Bachelors degree, experience in recreation, education, or overnight camps, experience in working with the disabled a plus.  Work hours flexible but requires Tuesdays and Saturdays.  Self-directed, detail oriented, team player.  Engaged team worker.  Drivers license required.  Qualified candidates should e-mail a resume and cover letter to:    jobs at carroll.org<mailto:jobs at carroll.org>, indicating Recreational Activities Coordinator in the subject line.

Qualified candidates should e-mail a resume and cover letter, specifying job title of interest, to:    jobs at carroll.org<mailto:jobs at carroll.org>.

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770 Centre St.
Newton, MA 02458

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