[rehab] {Disarmed} FW: [ccer] Graduate Certificate Scholarship Opportunity [1 Attachment]
Nightingale, Noel
Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Wed May 23 16:40:41 UTC 2012
From: ccer at yahoogroups.com [mailto:ccer at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of LAURIE FORD
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9:31 AM
To: ccer at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ccer] Graduate Certificate Scholarship Opportunity [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD included below]
A grant through the University of Maryland in conjunction with TransCen, Inc. was awarded to offer scholarships for an on-line Career Planning and Placement for Youth in Transition Graduate Certificate Program. This is a one year, four course, 12 graduate credit, certificate program. It is intended for working professionals such as yourselves where the course content would directly apply to the work you are doing. It is a great opportunity to learn with a group of cohort students from around the country as well as obtain a scholarship to cover tuition and
book fees. I have found that the students enjoy learning from and supporting each other during the four courses. I would also appreciate it if you would help spread the word to others in our field that could benefit from this certificate program and scholarship offer. I would be happy to answer any questions or assist you in completing your application for the scholarship.
The deadline to apply for these scholarships is June 29, 2012. The scholarships offers a tuition and stipend award for 12 graduate credits in the University of Maryland's Department of Counseling and Personnel Services. The scholarships are intended for professionals with a bachelor's degree who are employed in special education, rehabilitation or related programs. Credits may be transferred to CSPD, CRC and degree programs in rehabilitation and related disciplines. The four courses start in September, 2012 and are completed in August, 2013. Please forward this announcement to anyone who you think might be interested in this scholarship opportunity.
For more information, go to: www.education.umd.edu/EDCP/placement<http://www.education.umd.edu/EDCP/placement> or contact the Program Coordinator at (301) 405-2872<tel:%28301%29%20405-2872>.
Best regards,
Dale Verstegen
dverstegen at transcen.org<mailto:dverstegen at transcen.org>
(240) 994 2666
Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD
1 of 1 File(s)
[http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/pdf16x16.gif]UMD flier 2012.pdf<http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1043453/1410972445/name/UMD%20flier%202012%2Epdf>
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