[rehab] responses from states replying to inquiry re training of rehab counselors of the blind

Bob Kresmer krezguy at cox.net
Thu Feb 21 18:33:00 UTC 2013

RSA new counselor training for RCB 

Informal responses from various states when asked to describe required
training of RCBs in their states.  There were additional comments discussing
the benefits of all RCBs and supervisors with direct contact with blind
consumers becoming personally acquainted with the process of adjustment to
blindness, and the individual's efforts to master new skills and attitudes.
Additionally, better personal knowledge of the techniques, strengths, and
characteristics of the various training centers and programs.  


Our VRSs spend 4 months in full time sleep-shaded training, taking all the
classes our blind students take.

In Iowa, any rehab counselor, home teacher and/or supervisors of said
counselors and teachers undergo an intensive 6-month training in the Iowa
Department Adult Orientation and Adjustment center where they are under
sleep shades at all times.  They also carry with them the long white cane,
both at work and after hours so they get completely immersed in the use of
the cane.  No doubt, this gets them some strange looks when they exit their
motor vehicles, but they still do it.  They are also involved in the
Business Of Blindness classes where attitudes about blindness are discussed.
This has been a policy of the Department since 1959, as far as I know, and
it has been a successful one.  The rehab counselors and home teachers are
really able to communicate adequately with their clients about blindness and
can sell them on the fact that they need to come to the Orientation Center
and learn attitudes and skills of blindness.

Requires new RCB to spend two weeks in intensive sleepshade and adjustment
to blindness training at the Louisiana Center for the Blind.  

legislation is set forth in Minnesota Statutes 248.07 subdivision 14B and is
pasted below.  We first worked with our agency (State Services for the
Blind) to get a policy in place requiring the six weeks training.  When the
policy was in place we went to the legislature and got it codified into law,
making the case that policies can change with administrations and that this
training was essential and needed to remain in place. Here is the
Subd. 14b.Certification and qualifications of rehabilitation counselors for
the blind.(a) No person shall provide rehabilitation counseling services for
the blind or hold themselves out as a qualified rehabilitation counselor for
the blind unless the person is certified as a rehabilitation counselor by
the director of State Services for the Blind.

(b) A rehabilitation counselor for the blind is not a mental health

(c) A certified rehabilitation counselor for the blind shall have, in
addition to any necessary education background for rehabilitation counselors
in Minnesota, the following qualifications:

(1) successful completion of a minimum of six weeks of intensive training
under sleep shades from an adjustment-to-blindness center set forth by State
Services for the Blind in the contracting process; and

(2) completion of additional appropriate training as approved by the
director of State Services for the Blind.

(d) Each certified rehabilitation counselor for the blind shall, in the
period since the counselor's certificate was issued or last renewed,
complete continuing competency requirements as set forth by the director of
State Services for the Blind.
State services contracts with Blind, Inc. to provide sleepshade and
adjustment to blindness services to counselors and supervisors and managers
who have contact with blind clients.  

We are one of the lucky state agencies that require all of our state agency
staff go through Sleep-shade training.
Our counselors, supervisors, managers go through 600 hours, 4 months of
sleep-shade training.  Our support staff go through 6 weeks of sleep-shade
We do the training at our Nebraska Center for the Blind facility, 8 hours a
day, the same training that our clients go through.

VR in Las Vegas. We usually require staff that are new to the agency to go
through Hadley School for the Blind for basic classes and we have one staff
member that's participating in Mississippi State Program. 

Right now, Ohio's program is highly technical in nature such as how to read
an eye chart or other medical evidence, how to process a claim, etc., with a
dusting of blindness technology on good days. 

Require all VR Counselors who are newly hired that work with the Blind to
have 240 hours of blindfold training in all of the classes that students are
required to do. Started this program about 4 months ago and so far 2
counselors and 2 employment specialists have done this with good success.

Hope this helps, 

Bob Kresmer 

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