[rehab] FW: Job posting

Husseini, Sahar sahar.husseini at nebraska.gov
Wed Aug 12 21:31:04 UTC 2015

Hello, please see below for a Communications Instructor position at the Nebraska Center for the Blind.  Please distribute far and wide.  Thank you.

Sahar Husseini, NCLB, NCUEB, CVRCB, MSW
Orientation Counselor
(402) 471-8144
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From: Robinson, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 9:57 AM
Subject: Job posting
Importance: High

Good Morning Everyone,

We are re-opening the position for the Training Center Communications Instructor.

Job description is attached and the closing date and time is September 11, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. C.S.T.

Interested parties will need to apply at http://statejobs.nebraska.gov/

As always, I encourage all potential candidates to read the instructions thoroughly, before beginning the application process, as applications, once submitted cannot be re-visited to edit or make corrections.

If you traditionally post to list serves, please feel free to post this notice.


Dave Robinson
Nebraska Commission For The Blind & Visually Impaired
(402)-370-3453 - Phone
(402)-370-3508 - FAX

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