[rehab] FW: O&M Instructor opening at the OTC

Andrews, David B (DEED) david.b.andrews at state.mn.us
Wed Jul 15 20:30:12 UTC 2015

From: Jobs [mailto:jobs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Maurer, Patricia via Jobs
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 3:27 PM
To: jobs at nfbnet.org
Cc: Maurer, Patricia
Subject: [Jobs] FW: O&M Instructor opening at the OTC

From: doug trimble [mailto:doug.trimble at hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 3:39 PM
To: Edward Bell
Cc: NFB Information
Subject: Fwd: O&M Instructor opening at the OTC

O&M  position at training center in Seattle Washington

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: "DEBORAH E. COOK" <debcook at uw.edu<mailto:debcook at uw.edu>>
Date: July 15, 2015 at 12:36:21 PM PDT
To: Bob Huven <bcap at qwestoffice.net<mailto:bcap at qwestoffice.net>>, Debby Phillips <semisweetdebby at gmail.com<mailto:semisweetdebby at gmail.com>>, Doug Trimble <doug.trimble at hotmail.com<mailto:doug.trimble at hotmail.com>>, "Emilio Vela" <velaem at dshs.wa.gov<mailto:velaem at dshs.wa.gov>>, Erica Hansen <Erica.Hansen at wtb.wa.gov<mailto:Erica.Hansen at wtb.wa.gov>>, "Eva Larrauri" <elarr at uw.edu<mailto:elarr at uw.edu>>, Gloria walling <glwerstein at juno.com<mailto:glwerstein at juno.com>>, "Lou Oma Durand" <louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov<mailto:louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov>>, Nate Marshall <nate.marshall at gmail.com<mailto:nate.marshall at gmail.com>>, Sheila Turner <sheila at edithbishelcenter.org<mailto:sheila at edithbishelcenter.org>>, Steve Fiksdal <steve at fiksdal.com<mailto:steve at fiksdal.com>>, Sue Ammeter <sue.ammeter at cablespeed.com<mailto:sue.ammeter at cablespeed.com>>, Tracy Kahlo <tkahlo at wapave.org<mailto:tkahlo at wapave.org>>, "Yvonne Thomas-Miller (yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov<mailto:yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov>)" <yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov<mailto:yvonnetm at lummi-nsn.gov>>
Subject: FW: O&M Instructor opening at the OTC

From: Cox, Kristina (DSB) [mailto:kristina.cox at dsb.wa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 12:02 PM
To: DSB DL All DSB; DSB DL Reader-Drivers Home
Subject: O&M Instructor opening at the OTC

TO:  All DSB

There is an opening at the OTC in our Seattle office for a : Orientation and Mobility Instructor - Rehabilitation Teacher 3 (06636) - Seattle, WA<http://agency.governmentjobs.com/washington/default.cfm?action=viewJob&jobID=1192272&hit_count=yes&headerFooter=1&promo=0&transfer=0&WDDXJobSearchParams=%3CwddxPacket%20version%3D%271%2E0%27%3E%3Cheader%2F%3E%3Cdata%3E%3Cstruct%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27CATEGORYID%27%3E%3Cstring%3E%2D1%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27PROMOTIONALJOBS%27%3E%3Cstring%3E0%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27TRANSFER%27%3E%3Cstring%3E0%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27FIND%5FKEYWORD%27%3E%3Cstring%3E%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3C%2Fstruct%3E%3C%2Fdata%3E%3C%2FwddxPacket%3E>

If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Julie Brannon - or DSB HR.

Thank you,

Kristina Cox, Executive Assistant and Human Resources Consultant
Department of Services for the Blind
P.O. Box 40933, Olympia, WA 98504-0933
Ph:  360-725-3836, Toll Free:  1-800-552-7103

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