[rehab] ** AGENDA: Rehab Conference

Edward Bell ebell at pdrib.com
Mon Jun 15 13:13:48 UTC 2015


National Federation of the Blind






Contemporary Issues

In Rehabilitation and Education for the Blind






Rosen Centre Hotel

9840 International Drive

Orlando, Florida 32819



July 5, 2015

7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

W202C, Convention Center, Level 2





7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Location: W202C, Convention Center, Level 2 Foyer

Continuing Education Credits (CEC) are available for conference registrants


Morning Session

8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: W202C, Convention Center, Level 2


8:30  Welcome from our Sponsors. Fredric K. Schroeder, Ph.D., President,
National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB), Vienna, VA;
Eric Guillory, President, National Organization of Professionals in
Blindness Education (PIBE), Ruston, LA; and Edward Bell, Ph.D., Director,
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness (PDRIB),
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston.


8:40  The Progress Made by the Organized Blind in 75 years of Shaping the
Field of Rehabilitation and Education. Mark Riccobono, President, National
Federation of the Blind, Baltimore, MD. 


9:00  Quiet Cars: Establishing Meaningful Standards for Safe Travel. Fredric
K. Schroeder, Ph.D.,   First Vice-President, World Blind Union, Vienna VA. 


9:20 Opportunities for Personnel Development. Teaching Blind Students, Laura
Bostick, M.A.Ed., NCUEB; Orientation and Mobility, Darick Williamson, M.A.,
NOMC; Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind, Edward Bell, Ph.D.,
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness, Louisiana Tech
University, Ruston. 


9:45  Unified English Braille: An Update on Validation and Testing
Opportunities. Maria Morais, NCUEB Coordinator, National Blindness
Professional Certification Board (NBPCB), Ruston, LA. 


10:00 The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research: From Practice to
Publish. Moderator: Matt Maurer, Ph.D., Associate Editor, JBIR,
Indianapolis, IN; Lou Ann Blake, J.D., Managing Editor, JBIR, Baltimore, MD.


10:30 Structured Discovery Training Centers: An Update from the Field. 

Dan Wenzel, Executive Director, Blindness: Learning In New Dimensions
(BLIND), Inc., Minneapolis, MN.

Julie Deden, Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind, Littleton.

Pamela Allen, Executive Director, Louisiana Center for the Blind, Ruston. 

Dean Georgiev, New Visions Supervisor, Ho`opono Services for the Blind,
Honolulu, HI.

Carol Jenkins, Orientation Center Supervisor, Nebraska Commission for the
Blind and Visually Impaired,  Lincoln. 


11:10 Providing Effective Rehabilitation Services: An Update from the Field.
This panel is an opportunity for orientation centers around the country who
are working towards implementation of Structured Discovery Methods and
Principles to provide an update on current progress, announce job
opportunities, and share successes. 


11:55  Questions and wrap up. 


12:00  Adjourn.


12:00-2:00 Lunch on your own.


2:00 - 5:00 p.m.  Concurrent Sessions 


2:00-3:15 Session I 


Structured Discovery Cane Travel Methods and Principles. Jeff Altman, NOMC,
Instructor, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired,
Lincoln;  Darick Williamson, NOMC, Instructor, Louisiana Tech University,

Teachers, parents, and professionals are welcome to come and learn more
about Structured Discovery Cane Travel (SDCT)T: its methods, principles, and
techniques. NOMC-certified instructors will be on hand to provide one-to-one
and small group lessons for novice, intermediate, and advanced cane users.
Learn about becoming an O&M instructor, how the National Orientation and
Mobility Assessment is conducted, and how to advocate for mobility services.

Location: Salon 16 


Rehab Teaching and Access Technology. Eric Guillory, President, PIBE; and
Jack Mendez, Director of Technology, Louisiana Center for the Blind, Ruston.

This will be a hands-on workshop for professionals and consumers to learn
about the profession of Rehabilitation Teaching for the blind, access
technology, and consumer products. Participants will have hands-on lessons
with IOS devices, Duxbury, and will be able to ask novice, intermediate, and
advanced computer questions of experts in the field. 

Location: Salon 17


National Certification in Unified English Braille: Official Examination
(Time: 2:00-6:00). Maria Morais, NCUEB Coordinator, National Blindness
Professional Certification Board (NBPCB), Ruston, LA. 

Preregistration is required. All participants must be preregistered for this
event prior to June 15. Questions regarding registration should be directed
to braille at nbpcb.org <mailto:braille at nbpcb.org> .

Location: Salon 18


3:30-5:00 Session II 


Structured Discovery Cane Travel Methods and Principles. Jeff Altman, NOMC,
Instructor, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired,
Lincoln;  Darick Williamson, NOMC, Instructor, Louisiana Tech University,

Teachers, parents, and Professionals are welcome to come and learn more
about Structured Discovery Cane Travel (SDCT)T: its methods, principles, and
techniques. NOMC-certified instructors will be on hand to provide one-to-one
and small group lessons for novice, intermediate, and advanced cane users.
Learn about becoming an O&M instructor, how the National Orientation and
Mobility Assessment is conducted, and how to advocate for mobility services.

Location: Salon 16 


Rehab Teaching and Access Technology. Eric Guillory, President, PIBE; and
Jack Mendez, Director of Technology, Louisiana Center for the Blind, Ruston.

This will be a hands-on workshop for professionals and consumers to learn
about the profession of Rehabilitation Teaching for the blind, access
technology, and consumer products. Participants will have hands-on lessons
with IOS devices, Duxbury, and will be able to ask novice, intermediate, and
advanced computer questions of experts in the field. 

Location: Salon 17


NBPCB Awards Reception

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Location:          Salon 9, Level 2


*	Speak with the day's presenters in a less formal setting. 
*	Network opportunity for job seekers and employers
*	Meet our newest NOMC certificants/recertificants
*	Meet our newest NCUEB certificants 
*	Awards and recognition 
*	Cash bar and light snacks will be available 


Sponsored by:


National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB)

Fredric K. Schroeder, President


admin at nbpcb.org


National Organization of Professionals in Blindness Education (PIBE)

Eric Guillory, President

www.nfb.org/divisions <http://www.nfb.org/divisions> 

ericguillory at aol.com <mailto:ericguillory at aol.com> 


Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness (PDRIB),
Louisiana Tech University

Edward Bell, Director


ebell at latech.edu





Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC

Director, Professional Development and Research

Institute on Blindness

Louisiana Tech University

210 Woodard Hall 

PO Box 3158

Ruston LA 71272

Office: 318.257.4554                       Fax: 318.257.2259 (Fax) Skype:

 <mailto:ebell at latech.edu> ebell at latech.edu
<http://www.pdrib.com> www.pdrib.com


"I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's
brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and
died in cotton fields and sweatshops." 

-- Stephen Jay Gould


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