[rehab] Two good questions

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Tue Jun 13 20:59:57 UTC 2017

*Here are a couple of questions people have asked Employment Committee
member Suzanne Turner about the Job Fair. I suspect many people will want
the answers:*

*If I am not attending the Convention can I have use of the Resume Doctors?

Not until after the Convention, at which point I am sure they will be glad
to help you.  The registration form states clearly that they don’t have
time right now to help people who are not coming.  Good question, though.

*If I am not attending the Convention, can I have access to the employers
who will be in Orlando?  *

Sure, their contact information will be posted this week and updated at
least weekly.  But I strongly recommend that you not contact them until
after the convention, because they will have enough work with attendees
right now.   Just tell them you couldn’t attend but still want to be
considered for a job.  Another good question.

We’ll do our best to answer the questions you have.  Ones of general
interest will be posted on these lists.

Dick Davis, Chair

NFB Employment Committee

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