[rehab] Fwd: Access Technology Instructor Job at the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired in Richmond, VA

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Mar 21 14:12:37 UTC 2017

>Please post the following job announcement to all appropriate 
>listservs.  We are looking for an access technology instructor at 
>the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired 
>in Richmond, VA.  The person in this position will work with a team 
>of outstanding professionals who provide quality instruction in 
>technology to adult students.  During the summer we run a 5-week 
>program for transition-age students.
>The pay range for this position is approximately $47,000 to $74,000 
>depending on education, experience and previous salary history.  All 
>applicants must have at least a college degree (see education and 
>Licensure description in the Employee Work Profile.)
>If individuals are interested in the position and would like more 
>information, they can call Melody Roane at 804-371-3323 or Mike 
>Fish, access technology instructor, at 804-371-3327.
>The closing date for this position is April 3.
>Thank you for helping us get the word out to potential candidates.
>Have a great day!
>Melody Roane, director
>Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired
<Melody.Roane at dbvi.virginia.gov>

>Listed below are the VDBVI career opportunities currently 
>posted.  Each position may be accessed directly in the state 
>Recruitment Management System (RMS) by clicking on the applicable 
>Quicklink.  Here are some helpful tips to remember when applying:
>    * Review the position's EWP.
>    * Fully complete your RMS application to accurately reflect your 
> current job duties and past experiences.  Only fully completed 
> applications are accepted.
>    * Contact HR, prior to the position closing, if you have any 
> issues accessing RMS or submitting an application.
>    * RMS closes all positions at 11:59 pm on the Closing Date.
>    * Screening is based solely on your RMS application.  HR 
> determines interview candidates by comparing the information 
> disclosed and detailed on applications to the screening criteria 
> for the particular position.
>Be sure to like DARS on Facebook at 
><https://www.facebook.com/VDBVI>https://www.facebook.com/VDBVI and 
>visit us on the web at <https://www.vdbvi.org>https://www.vdbvi.org
>Job Title:                Access Technology Instructor
>Location:               Henrico - 087
>Position #:             00037
>Closing Date:        4/3/2017

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