[rehab] FW: [ccer] FW: WWU's MA in Rehabilitation Counseling [1 Attachment]

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Mon May 15 17:39:18 UTC 2017

From: ccer at yahoogroups.com [mailto:ccer at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of LAURIE FORD lhf4 at uw.edu [ccer]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 10:35 AM
To: 'ccer at yahoogroups.com'
Subject: [ccer] FW: WWU's MA in Rehabilitation Counseling [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD included below]

From: RC Everett [mailto:rc.everett at wwu.edu]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 10:31 AM
To: RC Everett <rc.everett at wwu.edu>
Cc: Elizabeth Boland <Elizabeth.Boland at wwu.edu>
Subject: WWU's MA in Rehabilitation Counseling

RC Advisory Committee Members,
Thank you for forwarding this email and attachment to anyone who may be interested in a MA in Rehabilitation Counseling!  We still have space in our cohort starting in September (information about how to apply can be found at https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/apply).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Monica Holmer | Program Coordinator, WWU BA in Human Services and MA in Rehabilitation Counseling - Everett Campus
Rehabilitation Counseling Phone: 425-405-1644 | Fax: 425-405-1659 |  wce.wwu.edu/rc<http://wce.wwu.edu/rc>

Now accepting applications<https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/apply> for Fall 2017 for the MA in Rehabilitation Counseling Program<https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/rehabilitation-counseling>!

Greetings from Western's MA in Rehabilitation Counseling Program!
Rehabilitation Counseling is a dynamic career that allows you to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities.  If working with individuals with disabilities is something that interests you, please consider Western Washington University's MA in Rehabilitation Counseling offered on the campus of Everett Community College.

The MA in Rehabilitation Counseling program prepares you to work with individuals with disabilities in a variety of public and private settings. As a graduate of this 72 quarter credit program, you will be competent to:

*        Work in a field that assists persons with physical, sensory, mental, developmental, cognitive, and emotional disabilities in achieving their independent living & employment potential
*        Use a goal-oriented counseling process with individuals with disabilities
*        Emphasize the holistic nature of human function
*        Enjoy a career that offers continuing education opportunities

Program graduates are known for their high level of practical preparation and effective use of state-of-the-art methods.  Learn more about the MA in Rehabilitation Counseling program in the attached document, by clicking here<https://wce.wwu.edu/files/RC/RC-ProgramInfo.pdf> or by visiting our website (https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/rehabilitation-counseling).

We accept new students each fall and are currently recruiting for fall 2017.  We continue to accept applications through June 1st (if there is space in our cohort we will accept applications after June 1).  If you would like more information about how to apply, please go to https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/apply.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Monica Holmer | Program Coordinator, WWU BA in Human Services and MA in Rehabilitation Counseling - Everett Campus
Rehabilitation Counseling Phone: 425-405-1644 | Fax: 425-405-1659 |  wce.wwu.edu/rc<http://wce.wwu.edu/rc>

Now accepting applications<https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/apply> for Fall 2017 for the MA in Rehabilitation Counseling Program<https://wce.wwu.edu/rc/rehabilitation-counseling>!


Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD | View attachments on the web <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ccer/attachments/2117772137;_ylc=X3oDMTJxaW0zdjMzBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNDM0NTMEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDgyMzUzBHNlYwNhdHRhY2htZW50BHNsawN2aWV3T25XZWIEc3RpbWUDMTQ5NDg2OTc5Mw-->

1 of 1 File(s)
[http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/generic16x16.gif]RC FLYER 2016-2017.pdf<https://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1043453/832895171/name/RC%20FLYER%202016-2017%2Epdf>
Posted by: LAURIE FORD <lhf4 at uw.edu>
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