[rehab] Job Posting: Executive Director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (Dept. for Workforce Investment)

Gatton, Tonia (OFB-LV) Tonia.Gatton at ky.gov
Tue Nov 21 12:57:46 UTC 2017

As you may know, the KY Office for the Blind will soon be merging with Office of Voc Rehab.  This job posting is for an executive director of the new combined agency.  Please help us spread the word by sharing on related email lists and on social media.

Executive Director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (Dept. for Workforce Investment)


Tonia Gatton
Assistive Technology Specialist
Kentucky career Center
KY Office for the Blind
Charles W. McDowell Center
8412 Westport Road
Louisville, KY 40242
(502) 429-4460 ext. 268
(502) 429-7101
tonia.gatton at ky.gov<mailto:tonia.gatton at ky.gov>

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