[rehab] FW: [MN.BVI] Job Openings in Saint Paul

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Tue Mar 20 19:23:10 UTC 2018

Jobs open in St. Paul, MN with contact information.

Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committee

*From:* Diane Dohnalik via MN.BVI [mailto:mn.bvi at mailmanlists.us]
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 20, 2018 1:59 PM
*To:* mn.bvi at mailmanlists.us
*Subject:* [MN.BVI] Job Openings in Saint Paul

Hello, Colleagues,

We are looking for one *teacher of blind/visually impaired and two
orientation and mobility instructors* in Saint Paul Public Schools
beginning the 2018-19 school year.

I’m a bit partial, but SPPS is a great place to work. Come join us!

The postings can be found on the district website at hr.spps.org.

The TBVI posting is numbered 1005040 and dated 3/15/18.

The COMS posting, Tchr-ORI/Mobil, is numbered 1005001 and dated 2/15/18.

Each COMS position addresses some degree of travel instruction, one
position more than the other.

Any questions can be directed to me at diane.dohnalik at spps.org,
651-603-4898, or to our HR contact, Farhiya Kassim, at
farhiya.kassim at spps.org or 651-767-8223.

Thank you!

[image: SPPS Logo] <https://www.spps.org/>

*Diane Dohnalik, TBVI/COMS*
Special Education Coach: Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Blind/Visually Impaired and
Four Seasons A+ Elementary
*Saint Paul Public Schools* • 271 Belvidere Street E, Saint Paul, MN 55107
Office: 651-603-4898 • Cell: 651-207-3885 • Fax: 651-523-6336
diane.dohnalik at spps.org <https://www.spps.org/>

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