[Rehab] FW: Career Opportunities with TAD PGS

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Wed Jan 9 17:38:46 UTC 2019

*From:* Marich, Sarah [mailto:Sarah.Marich at adeccona.com]
*Sent:* Monday, January 7, 2019 9:34 AM
*To:* ddavis at blindinc.org
*Subject:* Career Opportunities with TAD PGS

If you have any questions, please direct them to ben.marich at adeccona.com <
mailto:ben.marich at adeccona.com <ben.marich at adeccona.com>>


I have attached the weekly career opportunity report for your review.
Please have your veterans and/or persons with disabilities go to our
website www.TADPGS.com, register and enter their resume. If they find a
position they feel they are qualified for, they should apply immediately
online. I will be notified and contact them personally.

If you know of any other DVOP's, LVER's, organizations or individuals who
might be able to reach out to more veterans to help them get employment,
please have them contact me, and I will include them on the distribution
list for the weekly job report.

Veterans and/or persons with disabilities can apply for these positions by
going to www.TADPGS.com <http://www.TADPGS.com> , entering their resume,
searching for available positions that fit their skill sets and applying
immediately online.



My concern for treatment of those who have served honorably is now in
danger of, in my mind, a criminal disrespect for their service.

On December 13th, 2018 the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued their
“Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2019 to 2028”. (
https://www.cbo.gov/system/files?file=2018-12/54667-budgetoptions.pdf). As
part of this report, their recommendations for treatment of our veterans is
an insult to every veteran who has served in any theater and a travesty of
the faith and gratitude we owe them for the service and sacrifice our
veterans deserve.

Option 35 on page 109 of the report suggests “End VA’s Individual
Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age
for Social Security”

The suggested option states “This option consists of two alternatives, both
beginning in January 2020. Under the first alternative, VA would stop
making IU payments to veterans age 67 or older (the full retirement age for
Social Security benefits for those born after 1959). That restriction would
apply to both current and prospective recipients. Therefore, at age 67, VA
disability payments would revert to the amount associated with the rated
disability level. Under the second alternative, veterans who begin
receiving the IU supplement after January 2020 would no longer receive
those payments once they reach age 67. In addition, no new applicants who
are age 67 or older would be eligible for IU benefits after that date.
Unlike under the first alternative, veterans who are already receiving IU
payments and are age 67 or older after the effective date of the option
would continue to collect the IU supplement.”.

The CBO states: “About 48 percent of veterans receiving the IU supplement
were 67 or older in September 2017, up from about 40 percent in September
2010. That rise is attributed largely to the aging of Vietnam War
veterans”. What a disgrace to generations of veterans who have already been
ignored, denigrated and generally forgotten by our government since the
“war” was over.

The CBO states “Disability payments for those who lost eligibility would be
reduced by an average of $1,300 per month in 2020, increasing to $1,600 by
2028”. This is an unmitigated disgrace to those who have sacrificed so much
for our country.

Additionally, the report suggests that the government” Reduce VA’s
Disability Benefits to Veterans Who Are Older Than the Full Retirement Age
for Social Security” Again an affront to those who have served honorably
and faithfully.

The CBO also suggests the government “Narrow Eligibility for VA’s
Disability Compensation by Excluding Veterans with Low Disability Ratings”.

To my mind it is disgraceful, unpatriotic and an affront to all who have
served including their families to even consider these “options” to
decrease the oftentimes meager pittance that many of our veterans receive
for their service, their sacrifice and their unquestioned commitment to
stand on the wall of freedom so we and many like us throughout the world
can live free.

I encourage everyone who reads this and views the facts to contact their
elected representatives, Veteran’s Service Organizations, friends, veterans
and others to stop this travesty.


Ben Marich

Vietnam veteran 1967-1968

To find your elected representatives, go to

https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative <

https://www.senate.gov/general/contacting.htm <
https://www.contactingcongress.org/ <https://www.contactingcongress.org/>

Veteran Service Organizations

Disabled American Veterans (DAV): https://www.dav.org/

American Legion: https://www.legion.org/contact

Veterans of Foreign Wars: https://www.vfw.org/NVS/

Vietnam Veterans of America: https://vva.org/

Paralyzed Veterans of America: https://www.pva.org/

Wounded Warrior Project: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

All the best,

Ben Marich

Veteran's Outreach Manager
Let TAD PGS and me help you make every day Veterans Day
1001 3rd Ave. W. Ste 460
Bradenton, Florida 34205
Email: Ben.Marich at adeccona.com
Office: 941-928-5913
Website: www.tadpgs.com
Join our group Veterans Hiring Solutions at http://linkd.in/Sg346w
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