[Rehab] Fwd: Business event - 100 scholarships for the blind

ddavis at blindinc.org ddavis at blindinc.org
Sat Jan 4 22:22:14 UTC 2020

For your information.
Dick Davis

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Lewis, Anil" <ALewis at nfb.org>
> Date: December 30, 2019 at 7:18:26 AM CST
> To: Dick Davis <ddavis at blindinc.org>
> Subject: FW:  Business event - 100 scholarships for the blind
> This is a promotional email from Sprint. If you wish to unsubscribe from Sprint promotional emails, please click here.  To contact Sprint, write to: Office of Privacy—Legal Department, Sprint, P.O. Box 4600, Reston, VA 20195. View the Sprint Privacy Policy.
> From: Ben Fox <fox.ben1 at gmail.com> 
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 6:04 PM
> To: Ducharme, Diane . [Hire Potential Contractor for Sprint] <Diane.Ducharme at sprint.com>
> Subject: Business event - 100 scholarships for the blind
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> IMAGINE: A room of 2,000 business owners and executives BUT 100 of the people are BLIND and in BUSINESS. Join us to SEE WHAT YOU DON'T SEE during an interactive immersion event for 3 days- Jan. 10, 11, and 12. Will you be having business breakthroughs with us in NJ? Would love to talk with you about how. INFO Huddle Webinar Monday Dec. 30 at 4 EST, call info below:
> https://zoom.us/j/9254455226
> You can learn more about the specifics of the event at this website:
> https://www.unblindedsalesmastery.com  
> Also, here is a landing page discussing the specifics and updates for those that are blind: https://www.almostblind.org/event
> I am so excited to share the news of a new REVOLUTION that is sweeping through the business world and ESPECIALLY making an IMPACT for those that are blind (which is why I originally got involved with my organization Almostblind.org). 
>  I was incredibly fortunate to meet a gentleman, that shares the same eye condition I have:RP, who would profoundly change my life and the way that I think! His name is... Sean Callagy, he is one of the country’s most successful attorneys and businessmen. Check out this short video of him on stage dropping gold nuggets, and scuba diving and zip lining!  https://youtu.be/Z_-IouS2k1w 
>  Sean Callagy is legally blind and has started the UnBlinded Movement in the business arena.  Sean is smashing barriers and shattering misconceptions about  blindness and other obstacles that hinder progress and inclusion. He is sharing his “Formula of Formulas to effect dramatic change in the performance in which we maneuver in life! Already, I have met hundreds of earth shakers, that can assist me on my journey, and vice versa!  
> My friend's company FAR is providing accessibility at his upcoming event in Jersey City Jan. 10, 11 and 12. We are excited to join the 1,500 business owners and executives for this 3 day immersion experience, and amazingly... Sean has gifted 100 scholarship tickets to people who are blind, which is why FAR will be installing blue tooth beacons around the event to provide audio description of key surroundings and directions to people through the FAR Vision App on their Smart Phone. As such, Sean has given FAR several tickets to give to people in our circle, and I would like to invite you to the event for free! 
>  Join me and my friends, including Samson the Guide Dog, for Merging Ecosystems. 
> There are many misconceptions about vision loss, and the perceptions are low by a large portion of the population, that the unemployment rate is nearly 75%. COME MAKE A CHANGE WITH US!
> Thank You, 
> Ben Fox
> 602-303-2747

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