[Rehab] BLIND, Inc. Cane Travel Instructor position open

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Thu Oct 22 20:10:08 UTC 2020

Dear Members of the Job-Listings and Rehab listservs:

Below you will find the link to a cane travel (orientation and mobility)
instructor position on the BLIND, Inc. webpage:


I wanted to include some thoughts which are personal as I worked at BLIND,
Inc. for over 20 years:

   1. This is a job where you will be able to exercise your creativity,
   both in terms of program design and in terms of educating students about
   blindness.  If you like making a job your own, this is the one for you.
   2. The salary is not awe-inspiring, although adequate for the area, but
   the benefits are out of this world. Medical coverage is better than any
   other place, and it costs you only a little over $100 per month, no matter
   what your age is.  If you have a family, BLIND, Inc. supplements their
   monthly premiums too. Plus there is dental, 403B retirement, life
   insurance, etc.  Free monthly bus pass too.
   3. There are a lot of breaks (more than three weeks off) during the
   year, and you get leave days off too.
   4. Minneapolis is one of the coolest places in the country to live, and
   I am not talking about the climate.  There are tons of things to do.  The
   area is a fashion and performing arts capital.  Chicago is one day’s ride
   to the east.
   5. You get a free all expense paid trip to all national conventions, and
   some state ones if you want to represent the organization and help us
   recruit students.
   6. You get to work in a turn of the century mansion, and will have your
   own office with a door that closes.
   7. It is a real family style place, long on friendships and short on
   bureaucracy.  The people who work there are first rate.
   8. If you are a sighted person, they will like you too.  Please apply.
   9. Did I mention light rail and an excellent bus system, second only to
   10. If you are an outdoorsy person, this is the state for you.  If you
   like urban areas, this is the state for you.  You will get to go
   dogsledding, which is a total rush!

Well, that is enough.  Hope you apply.  They need good people.

Best wishes,

Dick Davis

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