[Rehab] New Member Intro

JAKE JOEHL jajoehl at att.net
Wed Sep 28 02:36:49 UTC 2022

Hi everybody. My name is Jake and I just joined this list a couple days ago. I have some questions regarding voc/rehab, which I'll get to in a bit. But first off I think some background info on me is in order. I'm located in the Chicago area, and have been a VR client off and on ever since 1994 when I graduated from high school. I don't wish to take up everybody's time with VR horror stories. But suffice it to say my experience up until about last year was rocky to put it best. I am now living in an apartment building in a suburban area. I've lived here since August of 2004, although not in the same apartment. About 2 years ago I became eligible for my state's Home Services program, and had a wonderful counselor which was a rather nice surprise. My case was recently transferred to a closer office, but I have yet to actually meet the new counselor. My PA and I recently spoke via phone with her supervisor though. I think that's enough about me for now. Oh and one more thing before I go: I am a long-time screen reader user and don't know where we'd be without all this awesome technology! I'll write again soon, but please feel free to reach out with any questions and stop by my website.

--Please visit me at https://jazzyjj.dreamwidth.org .

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