[Rehab] Postings on Job-Listings

dickblind at gmail.com dickblind at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 16:48:17 UTC 2024

To all members of Job-Listings and other related lists: 

This site is for job postings, but I am, as a list administrator, making an exception to provide what I hope will be useful information to all of you. 

A list member recently complained about most of the posts on Job-Listings being from Minnesota. That is because our list owner lives in that state and has access to many job postings there. 

The NFB is a grassroots volunteer organization. Therefore, we rely on our members and a number of employers to post jobs on it. A person just has to join the list in order to post on it. 

We invite all list members and other NFB members to post jobs in your respective states so we can get broader listings. If we all work together, we can make the list more representative. 

Dick Davis 

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