[Riverside-San-Bernardino] **Please Read: Friendly Reminder and Minutes for our Virtual August 12 Meeting.**
Paulina Vazquez
paulinav557 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 19:42:11 UTC 2021
Good afternoon everyone,
Firstly, I am sorry for sending this later than normal something came
up and I lost track of time. The minutes are presented below. Please
ensure to read them prior to our meeting on Saturday!!
This is a reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino is having our
monthly meeting.
**Please note: We are not meeting in person at the Janet Goeske Center
in August. This meeting will be held virtually!!**
When: Saturday August 14, 2021
Time: 10 AM. to 12 PM.
Where: Via Zoom.
Riverside San Bernardino Chapter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Riverside San Bernardino Chapter's Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 14, 2021, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 2159 3587
Passcode: 933968
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Meeting ID: 857 2159 3587
Passcode: 933968
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcxNV21Li
Looking forward to connecting with you all on Saturday!!
Paulina Vazquez Secretary
June 12, 2021
Recitation of the Pledge was led by Carmen.
1. Roll Call
Angela Tippy Francina Amanda Carmen Barbara Kelly Sylvia Nancey
2. Secretary’s Report
Was read by Kelly. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as read.
During discussion of the motion, it was decided that the minutes
should be revised to show that Barbara and Sylvia were also present.
Angela moved and Carmen seconded that we approve the minutes as
amended. All were in favor.
3. Treasurer’s Report: As of June 12, the balance is $1056.41
There was one Check written for $25 for door prizes for the
2021 National Convention.
Sylvia moved to approve the treasurer’s report as given. The motion
was seconded by Angela, and it passed.
Old Business
The National Convention 2021 is virtual and will be held July 6-10, 2021.
You can still register for convention, but you will no longer be
registered to vote.
Everyone who registers will be eligible for door prizes and get all
the meeting information.
Rooky Round Up is June 29th.
Door prizes:
Discussion took place regarding door prizes along with how to donate.
Chapter donated $25 towards National Convention.
Banquet Parties:
We discussed the email Jordan sent to the list about having a banquet
party at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Riverside at the day and time of
the banquet.
Discussion took place regarding banquet and several people were
uncertain whether they can attend due to transportation. Carmen said
that if enough people were interested, she would verify the time of
the banquet.
Double Good fundraiser June 7-11, 2021
Members who participated in Pop-up stores were Carmen, Paulina,
Barbara, Angela, and Jordan.
A Special thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraiser.
Angela is saying that we raised $1205. Carmen says we raised $1309.
Carmen said that Francina donated $20, and there are more donations
totaling $36 and she still has other donations coming in.
Sylvia is suggesting that we do a 60/40 split with 40% of whatever we
raised going to the BELL Academy.
Kelly wanted to vote on this.
Sylvia moved that we give 40% of whatever the final amount of this
fundraiser turns out to be to the bell academy and we keep 60%.
The motion was seconded by Carmen and passed with no opposition.
We talked about the possibility of doing this fundraiser again. Tippy
suggested that we might not want to do it during the holidays.
Carmen will try to get a date in September from Double Good for
another fundraiser. If we can’t get one in September, then she will
take one in October if there is one available.
We decided to table any further discussion on this topic until August.
Sunshine Committee:
Chairperson Tippi said she did not have the birthday list in front of
her right then, but she will call anyone who has birthdays.
Social (Book club)
Walking Alone and Marching Together Chapters 11-15
Chairpersons: Barbara and Sylvia
date: Friday July 23rd at 6:00pm.
Carmen will create the zoom link and send it to the list.
Presidential Release was summarized by Barbara.
Kelly asked if anyone would like to Summarize the next Presidential
Release which will come out in August. There were no volunteers.
New Business
Kelly asked how members feel about resuming in-person meetings.
Several members and officers were uncertain about returning to
in-person meetings. Further discussion will take place during our
August meeting.
Angela moved to adjourn, and Sylvia seconded. everyone agreed and the
meeting ended at 11:45am.
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