[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly Reminder and minutes, for June Meeting.

Paulina Vazquez paulinav557 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 19:45:32 UTC 2021

Hello all,

This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino Chapter
is having our monthly meeting.
When: Saturday June 12, 2021
Time: 10 am to 12 PM.
Where Via zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 9136 5191
Passcode: 336239
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 885 9136 5191
Passcode: 336239
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbzucC9Ce
I am also providing the minutes from our previous meeting. Please
ensure to read them prior to Saturday.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!
Hope you are all well!!

Paulina Vazquez Secretary


Meeting came to order at 10:10 AM.

Roll call: Carmen, Angela, Francina, Jordan, Paulina, Kelly, and Amanda.

Recited the pledge.

Secretaries Report: Moved by Jordan, second by Angela to approve the
previous month’s minutes as read. All agreed.
Treasury Report: As of May 8, 2021, Total: $1,056.41
Old Business: Virtual Convention July 6:10th 2021. Hosted by Maryland.
Discussion was had registration the deadline to register is May 31,
2021. Donations are encouraged.
Covid19 Vaccine:  A partnership with Lyft to get a vaccination is
available If you are a member, you can get a free ride. A code must be
provided. More information will be provided regarding the code.
Bell Academy:
Deadline for second session is June 19th, 2021.
Janet Goski center:
Carmen stated that she received a call that Janet Goski is potentially
opening on June 15th. She stated we are uncertain as the opening may
be in either June or July. No zoom may be possible due to technology
issues as it is an old building. We must make a call to let us know
due to July being National convention to keep our space. Discussion
was had regarding switching back to in person rather than using Zoom
due to the technology issues within the building. Further discussion
will take place regarding doing both virtual along with in person in
our next meeting.
Double Good Fundraiser:
Carmen stated we were given a date as we could not choose one. Date:
June 7, 2021, at 5 PM. First, we download an app, Carmen will provide
the code, then we add a picture. Once it starts, we create our own
pop-up store per person. For example, < Carmen SB Chapter. A note will
be provided so that friends and family will know why we are having the
fundraiser. The note must be consistent, and we are supporting the
Bell Academy. A goal must be provided, each member can have our own
goal. For example, Carmen may choose $700.
Technology Session:
A technology session to download and work through the ap for the
Double Good Fundraiser. We ask members to download prior to the
session. Any members that can download comes around; Carmen will send
them a link to the fundraiser. Name of app is Double Good.
Date: May 20, 2021, at 6PM.
A reminder will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Carmen stated that the Constitution is being worked on by the board.
Encourages members to read the old version.
New Business:
Zoom session: A suggestion was made to have a person to assist members
with connecting to zoom. Another suggestion was provided to have
everyone come in 10 minutes before the meeting starts along with
sending the email which includes the link the night before the
meeting. Finally, any member who needs assistance with connecting with
zoom call Paulina.
Social Book Club:
Date: May 27, 2021, 6 PM. Reading Chapters 6-10 5. Any suggestions on
names let Barbra or Sylvia know.
Sunshine Card:
Angela’s birthday May 23, 2021. Many told her happy birthday. Jordan’s
Dad birthday along with Francina’s grandson 1st birthday.
Low Vision doctor and Glasses information:
Angela discussed a new company called EyeDaptic Company which provides
glasses for people with low vision. DR> Mehta MD. Ophthalmologist who
created the Eyedaptic glasses.
Rebecca Krammer O.D. Ph. D low vision Doctor.
Brian Schleiger handles Eyedaptic glasses. All work together.
For more information contact Angela.
Presidential Release:
Jordan summarized the Presidential release 505 May 3, 2021.
Topics included: Lyft vaccination codes contact Tim Elder with any
questions, Global accessibility awareness day May 20, 2021, donations
are encouraged for the give 2021 campaign towards global accessibility
awareness week, students advanced placement exam, NTI any questions
contact Valeria Yingling email: vyingling at nfb.org etc.
Barbra will summarize June Presidential release.
Carmen encourages us to fill out surveys sent by national along with
reading the code of conduct.
Dial-a-Ride: Angela informed that a book for dial-a-ride that normally
cost $35 will be cost $5 in October.  Contact Christine Warsinski
program of director number: 9515655136. Any students going to school
from middle school to college ride for free. Only 3 passengers per bus
on Dial-a-Ride. Riverside city buses are no more than 10 people
certain routes only.
Carmen motioned to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Paulina. Second by
Francina. All agreed.
Meeting ended at 11:42 AM.

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