[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly Reminder and minutes for November 13 Meeting.

Paulina Vazquez paulinav557 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 02:28:06 UTC 2021

Good evening All,

I hope you are all doing well.

I am sorry for the  delay in getting this out. I am also sorry for the font
issues I tried to fix them as best as I could. Something came up.

This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino chapter is
having our monthly meeting.

When: November 13, 2021

Time: 10 AM to 12 PM.

Where: Due to Covid-19 Chapter meetings are held via Zoom until further


Meeting ID: 880 2356 7958

Passcode: 660519

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,88023567958#,,,,*660519# US (San Jose)

I am also placing the minutes from our meeting in September. Please ensure
to read them before the meeting Saturday!!

Hope you are all staying well. See you Saturday!!

Paulina Vazquez Secretary

Carmen Weatherly, President


* Recite The Pledge

I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation
of the Blind

to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;

to support the policies and programs of the Federation;

and to abide by its constitution.

* Roll Call








* Secretary Report

Barbara moves to approve minutes as read.

Tippi second


Double Good dates should be changed int the minutes

Change to September 16 through the 290th.

Motion carried.

* Treasurer Report $1687.86

As of august 14 2021 beginning balance 1685.91


Total 0

Income total income 0

PayPal fee is .99

Ending balance as of 9/11/2021


Tippi moves to accept the treasurer’s report

Seconded by by Nancy.

Motion carried.

Old Business

* 2021 California Virtual State Convention.

   Thursday October 21, through Sunday 24, 2021.

   2021 Pre-Registration form available now for

   submission at nfbcal.org.

* Double Good Gourmet popcorn fundraiser

   September 16, through 20, 2021.

   To create pop up store Carmen San Bernardino chapter of the NFB

If you want to donate rather than doing a pop-up store.

Double Good contacted Carmen about the accessibility of their app.

Issues identified by Jordan have been sent up to National.

Delivery can normally be put out much faster than last time.

Carmen ordered some on August 2 and received it August 20.

Make check out to Riverside  San Bernardino NFB if you want to donate
rather than doing a pop-up store.

Kelly asked if we could donate through PayPal, but Carmen said they’re
still working on that.

Carmen says I can Zelle her or use the Cash app or Venmo or Apple Pay and
put in the memo that it’s for the Double Good fundraiser.

Sylvia would like to know about apps where you can accept money from

* Door prizes: Amazon or pay pal. one for $25

   or three gift cards in the amount of $10 each.

   Purchase from Amazon!

Carmen says it would be easiest if we sent the money to the state.

We decided to do that Three cards $10.00  each this is for door prizes for
State convention.

* Gift Basket and Theme Health and Wellness.

   Board of Directors recommend gift from


   Send pictures and information to Michael.

   Theme: Health and Wellness

   Chairperson Paulina

   Need to set date to put together

   auction basket.

* We pay for shipping.

   Deadline October 5, 2021.

Tiffinie will call Carmen on Monday to tell her how you can put a gift
basket together through amazon.

Carmen has prime.

Carmen asks if everybody is okay with health and wellness as a theme.

Everyone agrees.

Carmen will email the list when she finds out what the procedure is.
Baskets had a value of around $70 to $75.

Tippi moves that we make the basket from Amazon in the amount of $50 and
seconded by Barbara.

Motion carried.

Carmen says that in past years

* Donate $100 to State Convention. Need to vote.

Tippi moves that we donate $100 to the state for convention related costs.

Seconded by Jordan.

No discussion

Passes with everyone in favor.

* State Legislative committee Tippi volunteer.

Tippi is looking forward to it.

If anyone else wants to be on that committee, they can especially if they
are represented by other members of congress.

Clarification on what this legislation committee will be doing.

Usually works on issues that are being focused on at the Washington Seminar.

Carmen talked about her experience going to the Washington Seminar.

* National will summarize Presidential Release

   by October.

* Sunshine Cards chairperson Tippi

   Paulina August 30,

This month we had Lorenzo Knott tomorrow is Tirone Thompson and Jordan
Mirander September 23rd.

* Social Session Book Club need new book.

Sylvia reports that the book club has not been attended.

Carmen asked if anyone has books, they suggest

Emma and I Sheila Hocken

About a woman who regained her sight.

Not long and inspirational.

Barbara and Sylvia will come up with a date and post that and where to look
for the book to the chapter email list.

Sylvia suggesting that if we are to learn the material in Marching Alone
and Walking Together that we summarize chapters in future meetings.

New Business

* To re-brand Meet the blind month.

    President asking for ideas by October 16, 2021.

    Send ideas to: communityteam at nfb.org

* Reconnecting to Zoom meetings.

    Sept 13, 14, 15

    One Tap Mobile

  *National will summarize presidential

Going with the 14th.

Tippi said!

Meeting being run by Paulina link sent by Carmen and Paulina.

  * Mark Riccobono suggests that we should be planning Public

   Awareness Events in

     of October. Any suggestion!

Tippi suggests that getting together in any social or group capacity is not

Carmen thinks we should look at chapter building.

Set a day where we can all just hang out and call our friends and talk to
them about the National.

And invite them to our chapter meetings.

Carmen found three people on the white cane list.

Barbara has spoken to a couple of people who would like a new chapter.

Tippi will encourage people she is calling because of her work on the
sunshine committee to come to our meetings.

We’re going to pick a date then call people on that date to let them know
about our chapter.

Discuss again October 9th.

Try to coordinate with White Cane Day as much as possible.

Each member will call one person and ask them to join us on October 9th.

Carmen says she will be at the Janet Goske center on the 9th so people can
join her there or via zoom if it works.

Carmen will test the Zoom at the senior center before the 9th and if it
works the meeting on the 9th will be virtual and in-person. If it doesn’t
work, then we will default back to virtual.

Carmen will post her test results to the list but as of now the meeting on
October 9 will be both virtual and in-person.

  * Chapter dues $15.

Will start asking for dues in October and they are due by the first meeting
in January and we’re paying $15 covering your membership for 2022.

$10 stays with the chapter and $5 goes to National.

  * A special zoom meeting for Constitution

     Complete by October meeting.

Meeting Thursday 9/30 at 6:00pm to read and vote on the constitution.

Carmen will send the draft of the constitution to the list a week prior to
the meeting.

The email will go out on the 23rd containing the constitution and the Zoom
link for the constitution meeting on September 30 at 6:00pm.

Carmen has someone she wants to get hooked up with Braille Institute.

Kelly said call 951-787-8800 and leave a concise voicemail.

Tippi suggesting leader dogs for the blind will do white cane training for

Kelly says that Blindness Support Services also has a senior program.

Leader Dogs for the Blind (888) 777-5332


Jordan asking for help selecting copying and pasting Zoom links to invite
people to meetings.

Kelly suggesting Connection Pointe at Braille institute also forwarding the
email with the link in it to your person.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.
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