[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly Reminder and minutes for September meeting.
Paulina Vazquez
paulinav557 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 17:24:39 UTC 2021
Hi Everyone,
This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino Chapter
is having our monthly meeting.
Where: **Due to the re-call election the meeting will not be held at
Janet Goeski center, and will be virtual Via Zoom.**
When: Saturday September 11, 2021 10 Am to 12 PM.
Riverside San Bernardino Chapter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Riverside San Bernardino Chapter's Zoom Meeting
Time: Sep 11, 2021 10:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 8779 1760
Passcode: 476359
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Meeting ID: 831 8779 1760
Passcode: 476359
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcxkYqQINs
I am also placing the minutes from our previous meeting. Please read
before the meeting!!
Hope you are all well!!
Riverside San Bernardino Minutes for August 14, 2021
Recited Pledge: Led by Carmen.
Roll call: Carmen, Sylvia, Paulina, Francina, and Tiffany Manosh (Guest.)
Discussing legislation committee.
Tiffany discussed Legislation not just locally but national. Further
discussed setting up a state legislative liaison from each Chapter to
assist with bills, writing letters, communicate within committee
meeting, able to take notes, and to assist with legislation on both
the national and local level. One of the legislations is regarding
voting rights within Sacramento, along with a parents bill due to
discrimination against parent of blind children who are being denied
raising their children. We hope the committee is to be formed within
the next month to two months. Tiffany encourages us to contact our
sponsors regarding the accessibility affordability act Hr41 which both
senators have sponsored it and is close to being passed.
Secretary’s Report: Read by Paulina. Moved by Paulina. Second by
Sylvia and Francina.
Treasury’s Report: As of August 14, 2021, is $1,687.86
Old Business: 2021 California state convention October 21-24, 2021.
Registration is available as of this afternoon. Currently do not have
a theme yet.
Double Good Fundraiser: Date: September 9-13. Discussion took place
setting up our pop-up stores. Setting up zoom link set up our stores
on August 19, 2021. We are having our zoom link to set them up on
August 26, 2021, at 6 PM. The proceeds are going to national
Door Prizes for Sate convention: Discussed having a one gift card for
$25, or 3 gift cards of $10. We are going to purchase 3 Amazon gift
cards at $10 each.
Basket for State convention: Discussed creating a basket for state
convention. Each person would donate an item to the basket to be
auctioned off, must have a theme, and we take a photo to post online.
Afterword we ship to the basket recipient. Each person brings an item
to donate. Theme: Be healthy and be happy. Some of the items in the
basket include tea, diffusers, herbal supplements, etc. More items can
be suggested.
Deadline for baskets: Baskets must be submitted by October 5th, 2021.
Chairperson: Paulina Vazquez.
Presidential Release: No Presidential release was discussed as no one
listened to it.
Sunshine Committee: All wished Paulina a happy birthday.
New Business:
Discussed resuming in-person meetings. Carmen will be at Janet Goeske
in September to make sure the internet is working to hold it virtually
in addition to in-person. This will happen prior to the meeting.
Eventually we will return in-person. Several members are uncertain
whether they will return in-person.
Social distancing and other precautions need to take place. Others do
not wish to return. This is an ongoing situation, and more discussion
may need to take place. Testing will take place during this month and
the meeting will be held in September at Janet Goeske Center.
Social Book Club:
Chapters 11-15 Walking Alone marching Together. Date: August 19, 2021,
6 PM. Link will place on the list today after the meeting.
Technology Session: Regarding Reconnecting to Zoom meetings via
iPhone. Additionally using 1-tap mobile.
Date: September 2, 2021, 6 PM. Link will be sent on August 27th. If
not, a group call will take place to guide people get on Zoom.
Suggestions are being asked by the President to rebrand Meeting the
Blind month. This was discussed during the Presidential release. Any
suggestions write to communityteam at nfb.org
The President encourages whether you went to convention or not to fill
out the convention survey through your feedback they can make
improvements. Further, public awareness is being suggested to provide
information regarding the National Federation for the blind.
Constitution will be sent out to the list. A special meeting will be
called to have all members read the constitution. Please read prior to
this meeting.
Carmen motioned to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Paulina, Sylvia, and
Francina. Meeting ended at 11:57 AM.
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