[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly Reminder and Minutes for August 13, 2022 Meeting.

Paulina Vazquez paulinav557 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 05:46:18 UTC 2022

Hi All,

I hope all are well. This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside
San Bernardino is having our monthly meeting.

When: Saturday August 13, 2022

Where: Hybrid via Zoom and in-person at Janet Goski Center.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82619637966?pwd=UzMrOURMVVBKeXJDME9paTJ4TEhTdz09

Meeting ID: 826 1963 7966
Passcode: 028048

Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!!

Also, have provided the minutes from the June meeting below be sure
read them before Saturday!!

See you all then!!


Paulina Vazquez, Secretary


Meeting Started at 10:08 AM.

Recited pledge read by Kelly.

Roll call: Tippi, Barbra, Kelly, Francina, Nancy, Paulina, Carmen, and Sylvia.

Secretary Report: motion to approve the minutes for the previous
meeting as read. Moved by Tippi. Second by Carmen. All agreed.

Treasury Report: As of June 11, 2022, 1,985.77 Motion to approve
treasury as read. Moved by Tippi. Second by Sylvia. All agreed.

Old Business:

National convention July 5 to July 10, 2022. Reservations are done.
You can still register virtually for the 2022 Virtual experience. For
those who wish to participate, to the live stream such as general
sessions and board meeting. Agenda a comes out at the end o the month.
Visit www.nfb.org for more. Click on national convention and click on
2022 virtual experience.

Donations for give 20 Campaign:

Each year national asks you to give $20 towards to assist with
organization programs such as the white cane program or helping
someone towards convention. If you give a donation you are placed into
a raffle do not need to be present to win. Before covid you need to be


Constitution was sent out to the email list on April 18, 2022.

Encourage to create a folder to keep it.

Membership Committee:

Chairperson: Jordan.

Carmen Coe-chair.

Asking members to participate.

To discuss how members are doing.

Calling members who are not present is the goal.

If you wish to help with committee, please let Carmen know.

Recommending once calling to members.

Duties: Call members on the membership roster. See what is up with
them or how they are in addition to give them and update. Encourage
them to come to the next meeting.

Code of Conduct:

Encourage to read the code of conduct. Visit ww.nfb.org for more.

Suggestions for revamping the code of conduct are being discussed.

Have a committee of members from each state.

Rain is also assisting includes taking a survey.

Someone can make a complaint If someone feels abused or uncomfortable.

Please read it!!

Jazzy Social Book club:

Date: August 19, 2022, 6 PM.

Book: What keeps me standing: A grandmothers guide to hope and
inspiration. DB: 59539

Barbra will send out to list.

At large chapter is interested in joining.

10-hour book.

Presidential Release:

Carmen summarized June Presidential release.

Access technology act HR431.

5 cosponsors.

Medical nonvisual accessability act. Hr4853.

6 new cosponsors.

California, Delaware, Massachusetts, Florida, and Maryland.

Other state to come.

Transportation to competitive employment act: Hr2373

5 new cosponsors.

California, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Census, and Washington.

Congress will be in session throughout national convention.

Getting more cosponsors at convention.

State notebook:

Must be sent out by at the last week of the end of the month.

All events need to send to Cricketbiddlman at gmail.com

Can be sent out at any time before them.

Paulina will send out the information regarding any events.

Bell Academy:

California. Will start July 18-August 5, 2022. Virtually. 6 children currently.

Two weeks two sessions.


No new ideas. Will discuss later.

Barbra suggested fundraiser of her crating friendship bracelet to
donate to the chapter and for us to sell as a chapter.

Kelly suggested selling at state convention.

Will Discuss it further later.

Suggested creating committee.

Chairperson: Barbara.

Carmen is on committee as a member.

Paulina committee member.

Legislative committee:

No new information.

Pac Plan:

 You can join the Pac plan for $5 per month. Visit nfb.org and call
national office for more.

NFB Interest groups:

Meeting occurred last night.

Currently building a schedule of those who are creating interest groups.

Current groups sports, jewelry, descriptive movies, cooking, and knitting.

Via zoom.

Each month someone will have a meeting based on interest group.

Have one for technology and a book club.

Will be placed in the notebook.

Contact Sheryl thirston for more.

If you have a group to set up contact for more.

Michael Richardson is the scheduler by providing contact details.

Creates their own link.

Can choose more than one group.

Origami group.

Visit nfbC at nfbc-info

Legislative committee.:

No new information currently.

Sunshine Committee:

One June birthday will discuss with carmen.

New Business:

No meeting in July due to convention.

State Convention:

First week in November.

Dates: November 2-6, 2022. In San Diego.

Dates will be confirm.


Elections will take place in October for our chapter and at the state level.

All board members are open.

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.

Anyone wishing to run let carmen member.

Will be distributed to list.

Chapter Meetings:

August, September, and October.

Hybrid meetings will resume.

New officers will take over in November.

Door prizes for national convention:

For the 2022, board recommended sending a door prize to convention in
New Orleans.

Gift cards need to be brought to convention.

Board recommended we do $25 gift card to amazon.

Motion to approve two $25 gift cards to amazon to donate to convention
for national.

Moved by Carmen. Second by Paulina> All agreed.

Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Moved by Paulina. Sylvia second. All agreed.

Meeting at 11:48 AM.

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