[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly Reminder and Minutes for May 14, 2022 Meeting.

Paulina Vazquez paulinav557 at gmail.com
Wed May 11 19:41:19 UTC 2022

Hi All,

This is a reminder that the Riversie San Bernardino Chhapter is having our
monthly meeting.
When: Saturday May 14, 2022
Time: 10 am to 12 Pm.
Where: Hybrid via Zoom and at Janet Goski Center.

Looking forward to seeing your all on Saturday!!
As always the minutes are below, please read before Saturday!!

Carmen Weatherly, President Paulina Vazquez,  Secretary


*April 9, 2022*

** Recite The Pledge*

*I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the *

*National Federation of the Blind. To Achieve equality,*

*opportunity and security for the blind; to support the *

*policies and programs of the Federation and to abide by*

*its constitution.*

** Roll Call*

*Nancy U*









** Secretary Report*

*Barbara made the motion to approve seconded by Nancy.*


** Treasurer Report $1,841.27*

*Ass of march 12 1796.27 beginning balance*

*Pac plan $5*

*But not being taken out on the 100th so it doesn’t come out last month.*

*Will be reported next month.*

*Incoming dues*

*Evelen $15*

*Nancy $15*

*Lorenzo $15*

*Total dues $45*

*As of apriil 9 (today *


*Sylvia moved to accept*

*Tipi seconded*


*Old Business *

** 2022 National convention will be in person*

*   in New Orleans*

*   Tuesday July 5 – Sunday July 10, 2022*

*   Everyone will have to test at the convention.*

** Headquarter Hotel*

*   New Orleans Marriott *

*   800-654-3990*

** Over flow Hotel *

*   Sheraton New Orleans & host the Exhibit Hall*

*   855-516-1090*

*   Room rates: *

*   Singles & Doubles $109.*

*   Triples & Quads $119.*

*   Reservation pay one night  *

*   Require masks*

*   Online reservation $25. and Banquet tickets $75*

** National has approved our Constitution, all members will receive a copy
bye email.*

*   We ask all members to create a document for future use.*

** Membership Committee*

*   Need a chairperson ask members?   *

*Each officer will call to members on membership roster.*

*   To see how there doing and if they need anything. *

*   Also, give an update on our chapter and to invite them *

*     to the next chapter meeting.*

*   Following week, we will switch members.*

*Sylvia will do it.*

** Code of Conduct to learn more go to *

** Jazzy Social Book Club*

*   Chairpersons Barbara & Sylvia*

*   Tending roses by Lisa Wingate DBC 12003*

*   11 hours*

*   Date ? Friday May 6 at 6:00pm.*

*Carmen will generate the zoom link and send it to Barbara who will send it
to the list.*

** Discussion on Presidential release.*

*Took place on the first Monday of the month but is not up on the website

** Fundraisers: *

** Double Good Gourmet popcorn, May 1 to 5, 2022 till 4:00 PM.*

*   We agreed to create one link for all members to use for the fundraiser.*

*   Zoom link for fundraiser will be put on our chapter mailing list and*

*   the nfbcal mailing list as well.*

** Send our fundraiser to California State Affiliate’s Notebook*

*   Send to Cricket’s email: cricket bidleman @gmail.com <http://gmail.com>*

*   Deadline April 23, 2022*

*People with the link cannot do anything until May 1st at 4:00pm. Stops May
5th at 4:00pm.*

*Link can be sent in a text as well.*

*Friends and family can also share the link.*

*Money we make should come  to our checking account within three days.*

** Bell Academy Summer 2022 virtual home edition and in  *

*   person. Contact Debbie Worstman 530-646-7149*

** KNFB reader / Sensor Tech*

*   Mobile application*

*Tipi had a problem with it.*

** On the 10th of each month Pac Plan will automatically deduct of *

*   five dollars from our checking account.*

** If any member would like to subscribe to Pac Plan individually*

*   you can.*

** State Affiliate has created a*

*New Business Notebook*

*   Cricket will chair the committee.*

*   Deadline by April 23, 2022*

*   Paulina will send events or fundraisers to Cricket.*

*Will come to NFB of California list.*

*Carmen will forward to our Riverside list.*

*Still working on the name for this newsletter.*

** NFB of California Interest Groups.*

*   Purpose: to incorporate inclusion for ALL NFB      *

*   California chapters, Which leads to increasing membership and   *

*   providing unlimited access to tools and resources.*

** Tippi discussed the Legislation committee. *

*Nothing new, Tippi joined all of Mark Takano’s newsletters.*

*Tippi is in the 41dst district, but districts are going to change soon.*

*Visit the center by appointment only starting April 18th.*

*Reopen totally on May 4th.*

*(951) 787-8800 for class registration new catalogues are up on the

*Open Discussion:*

** Senior Division president is asking all chapter presidents to *

*   invite their members to the meetings April 22, 2022 at *

*   7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.*

*   55 years old*

*   Special President Arietta next meeting May 14, 2022*

*Carmen will forward to the Riverside list.Senior devision membership is
something like $5 per year.*

*Braille Institute reopening*

*Phased reopening*

*Sunshine committee birthdays Melinda Daivis hoping to join us soon.*

*Sang happy Birthday to Kelly.*

*Tippi moved and Sylvia seconded to ajourn.*

*Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.*
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