<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body dir="auto"><br><br><div dir="ltr">Sent from my iPhone</div><div dir="ltr"><br>Begin forwarded message:<br><br></div><blockquote type="cite"><div dir="ltr"><b>From:</b> Paulina Vazquez <paulinav557@gmail.com><br><b>Date:</b> June 9, 2021 at 12:45:32 PM PDT<br><b>To:</b> riverside-san-bernardino@nfbnet.org<br><b>Subject:</b> <b>Friendly Reminder and minutes, for June Meeting.</b><br><br></div></blockquote><blockquote type="cite"><div dir="ltr"><span>Hello all,</span><br><span></span><br><span>This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino Chapter</span><br><span>is having our monthly meeting.</span><br><span>When: Saturday June 12, 2021</span><br><span>Time: 10 am to 12 PM.</span><br><span>Where Via zoom.</span><br><span>Join Zoom Meeting</span><br><span>https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88591365191?pwd=QjNNMDdDQW8wRTAwdzZac0Joa2VuUT09</span><br><span></span><br><span>Meeting ID: 885 9136 5191</span><br><span>Passcode: 336239</span><br><span>One tap mobile</span><br><span>+16699006833,,88591365191#,,,,*336239# US (San Jose)</span><br><span>+13462487799,,88591365191#,,,,*336239# US (Houston)</span><br><span></span><br><span>Dial by your location</span><br><span> +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)</span><br><span> +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)</span><br><span> +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)</span><br><span> +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)</span><br><span> +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)</span><br><span> +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)</span><br><span>Meeting ID: 885 9136 5191</span><br><span>Passcode: 336239</span><br><span>Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbzucC9Ce</span><br><span>I am also providing the minutes from our previous meeting. Please</span><br><span>ensure to read them prior to Saturday.</span><br><span>Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!</span><br><span>Hope you are all well!!</span><br><span></span><br><span>Paulina Vazquez Secretary</span><br><span></span><br><span>Minutes:</span><br><span></span><br><span>Meeting came to order at 10:10 AM.</span><br><span></span><br><span>Roll call: Carmen, Angela, Francina, Jordan, Paulina, Kelly, and Amanda.</span><br><span></span><br><span>Recited the pledge.</span><br><span></span><br><span>Secretaries Report: Moved by Jordan, second by Angela to approve the</span><br><span>previous month’s minutes as read. All agreed.</span><br><span>Treasury Report: As of May 8, 2021, Total: $1,056.41</span><br><span>Old Business: Virtual Convention July 6:10th 2021. Hosted by Maryland.</span><br><span>Discussion was had registration the deadline to register is May 31,</span><br><span>2021. Donations are encouraged.</span><br><span>Covid19 Vaccine: A partnership with Lyft to get a vaccination is</span><br><span>available If you are a member, you can get a free ride. A code must be</span><br><span>provided. More information will be provided regarding the code.</span><br><span>Bell Academy:</span><br><span>Deadline for second session is June 19th, 2021.</span><br><span>Janet Goski center:</span><br><span>Carmen stated that she received a call that Janet Goski is potentially</span><br><span>opening on June 15th. She stated we are uncertain as the opening may</span><br><span>be in either June or July. No zoom may be possible due to technology</span><br><span>issues as it is an old building. We must make a call to let us know</span><br><span>due to July being National convention to keep our space. Discussion</span><br><span>was had regarding switching back to in person rather than using Zoom</span><br><span>due to the technology issues within the building. Further discussion</span><br><span>will take place regarding doing both virtual along with in person in</span><br><span>our next meeting.</span><br><span>Double Good Fundraiser:</span><br><span>Carmen stated we were given a date as we could not choose one. Date:</span><br><span>June 7, 2021, at 5 PM. First, we download an app, Carmen will provide</span><br><span>the code, then we add a picture. Once it starts, we create our own</span><br><span>pop-up store per person. For example, < Carmen SB Chapter. A note will</span><br><span>be provided so that friends and family will know why we are having the</span><br><span>fundraiser. The note must be consistent, and we are supporting the</span><br><span>Bell Academy. A goal must be provided, each member can have our own</span><br><span>goal. For example, Carmen may choose $700.</span><br><span>Technology Session:</span><br><span>A technology session to download and work through the ap for the</span><br><span>Double Good Fundraiser. We ask members to download prior to the</span><br><span>session. Any members that can download comes around; Carmen will send</span><br><span>them a link to the fundraiser. Name of app is Double Good.</span><br><span>Date: May 20, 2021, at 6PM.</span><br><span>A reminder will be sent out prior to the meeting.</span><br><span>Constitution:</span><br><span>Carmen stated that the Constitution is being worked on by the board.</span><br><span>Encourages members to read the old version.</span><br><span>New Business:</span><br><span>Zoom session: A suggestion was made to have a person to assist members</span><br><span>with connecting to zoom. Another suggestion was provided to have</span><br><span>everyone come in 10 minutes before the meeting starts along with</span><br><span>sending the email which includes the link the night before the</span><br><span>meeting. Finally, any member who needs assistance with connecting with</span><br><span>zoom call Paulina.</span><br><span>Social Book Club:</span><br><span>Date: May 27, 2021, 6 PM. Reading Chapters 6-10 5. Any suggestions on</span><br><span>names let Barbra or Sylvia know.</span><br><span>Sunshine Card:</span><br><span>Angela’s birthday May 23, 2021. Many told her happy birthday. Jordan’s</span><br><span>Dad birthday along with Francina’s grandson 1st birthday.</span><br><span>Low Vision doctor and Glasses information:</span><br><span>Angela discussed a new company called EyeDaptic Company which provides</span><br><span>glasses for people with low vision. DR> Mehta MD. Ophthalmologist who</span><br><span>created the Eyedaptic glasses.</span><br><span>Rebecca Krammer O.D. Ph. D low vision Doctor.</span><br><span>Brian Schleiger handles Eyedaptic glasses. All work together.</span><br><span>For more information contact Angela.</span><br><span>Presidential Release:</span><br><span>Jordan summarized the Presidential release 505 May 3, 2021.</span><br><span>Topics included: Lyft vaccination codes contact Tim Elder with any</span><br><span>questions, Global accessibility awareness day May 20, 2021, donations</span><br><span>are encouraged for the give 2021 campaign towards global accessibility</span><br><span>awareness week, students advanced placement exam, NTI any questions</span><br><span>contact Valeria Yingling email: vyingling@nfb.org etc.</span><br><span>Barbra will summarize June Presidential release.</span><br><span>Carmen encourages us to fill out surveys sent by national along with</span><br><span>reading the code of conduct.</span><br><span>Dial-a-Ride: Angela informed that a book for dial-a-ride that normally</span><br><span>cost $35 will be cost $5 in October. Contact Christine Warsinski</span><br><span>program of director number: 9515655136. Any students going to school</span><br><span>from middle school to college ride for free. Only 3 passengers per bus</span><br><span>on Dial-a-Ride. Riverside city buses are no more than 10 people</span><br><span>certain routes only.</span><br><span>Carmen motioned to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Paulina. Second by</span><br><span>Francina. All agreed.</span><br><span>Meeting ended at 11:42 AM.</span><br></div></blockquote></body></html>