[Sportsandrec] december challenge revised

Lisamaria Martinez, NOMC lmartinez217 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 20:33:43 UTC 2008


I'm not going to worry so much about the scale this month. But, what I am going to do is get back into exercising. I took a hard hit in sports 7 months ago and have had no desire to exercise or anything. So, of course I got pretty flabby over the months. My scale calls me names when I step on it.

 Today, and it is a big step for me, but I'm getting back into the gym after not being in one since the end of April. So my goal this month, isn't necessarily to lose weight, although I need it, but to work out 3 times a week--somehow. My personal trainer has been nagging me and blowing up my cell phone with text messages because I have 9 more sessions to complete. So, I said I'd finish them starting today. And then after that ... I'll still commit to 3 times a week. 

I might not be so happy about my intensely sore muscles tomorrow, but I'm keeping this goal. And, I have Christella to kick me in the butt if I don't stick to it. Trust me, she can out judo me now since I've become a lard butt.


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