[Sportsandrec] Beep Baseball Regs

Jennifer Boylan jaboylan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 00:50:34 UTC 2008

Peter and all,
Okay, I will refrain from using the b-word (or in this case, the bb-word!)
Slippery slopes can be fun--never tried a downward spiral, though.
Seriously, I think it's important to be equal in society's eyes and it's our
responsibility as blind individuals to earn that respect by showing what we
can do in a positive way.  Some battles are more important than others, so
let's focus our energy there first before we pick apart the blind sports too
much.  There is contact info for the rules committee on the NBBA website (
www.nbba.org) if you'd like to share your concerns with the powers that be.
We have a hard enough time finding and keeping good pitchers, let alone
other volunteers and even players, so any competent individual is more than
welcome to come out and try out for any position on our team!  Oh dear, as
co-captain I'm a co-conspirator in all the establishment has to offer...let
me go join my daughter for a time out and reflect on my sins.  Joe, thanks
for picking up my slack on the lyric/artist thing.

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