[Sportsandrec] Hiking

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Fri Apr 3 19:32:04 UTC 2009


Trek For Light is part of the Ski For Light program (at least it is in Montana). 

In the Trek For Light Technique, the guide walks directly in front of you. The best way to describe this is to hold your cane in your right hand and hold it straight out from your right side level with the floor. Your guide would then be holding the other end of the cane in their right hand so you are in line with each other. Then as the guide turns corners, or steps onto/off from obstacles, you can feel the movements in your hand. Your other hand can be used with the trekking pole to get a better feel of the terrain and for balance. Of course, you can switch hands as you see fit. 

Collapsible trekking poles can usually be purchased anywhere ski accessories are sold. Sometimes, stores only carry non-collapsible ones, which will work too, but I like ones I can collapse for travel. Any ski shop or hiking store should at least be able to order the collapsible ones. I recommend at a minimum having a pole with a comfortable grip and a wrist strap, but there are really nice poles with shock absorbing springs built in and really cushy leather grips. 

Enjoy your hikes,

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